
What Are The Design Principles Of Windows NT?


1 Answers

Shumaela Rana Profile
Shumaela Rana answered
The design goals that the Microsoft has stated for an NT include extensibility, probability, compatibility, performance, and the international support. If we talk about extensibility, we see that it is an important of any operating system that hopes to keep up with advancements in computing technology. So, that the changes are just facilitated over time NT is implemented by simply using a layered architecture. An operating system can be fallen in the category of portable operating systems if is can be moved from one hardware architecture to another architecture with relatively few changes.

So NT has this facility also. Now as we all know that the reliability is actually the ability to handle all error conditions plus including the ability of operating system to protect itself and its users from defective and malicious software. As I have told you above that NT also provides a source level compatibility to all those applications that follow the IEEE 1003.1 (POSIX) standard. NT is basically designed to provide and afford a very good performance. This NT can also be used for international use and support. It provides a support and hold for so many different locales via the national language support or the NLS API.

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