Will their be new pokemon?
It is called heart gold and soul silver and it comes out February 2010.
The new pokemon games that are coming out are HeartGold and SoulSiliver.I played a walk through version of the games its so cool.The best part is that it comes a pokephone thing its cool and its real!save up your money for it because its $50.00 dollars.On wii there is a thing called pokemon rumble you should get it, its 1000 wii points. Live long pokemon.
I don't know but the next pokemon game will will a remake of gold and silver (yes!) called something like shiny-gold and sparkly silver can't remember names look it up
I don't know but the next game will be pokemon mystery dungeon explores of the sky for ds,then remakes of gold and silver heart gold and soul silver for ds and then,a game called pokemon melee pokemon scramble for WII Ware.
The next pokemon games are heart gold and soul silver. They are remakes of pokemon gold and silver. They will come out in the fall or in 2010.