Trade ditto from pearl/Diamond and put it in day-care with Electrabuzz or Electrive
You can't get a male and female elect-abuzz or Electrive or a ditto and a elect-abuzz or a Electrive. At the day care they will have a egg and then you get elekid
You can breed ditto and a female elect-abuzz at the day care center and the man will have an egg.
Easiest way is to find a male and female Electabuzz and make them lay an egg. If you don't want to, too bad, because I'm not sure where Elekid is :P
I think it's at Valley Windworks with Fire Red in GBA slot though.
I think it's at Valley Windworks with Fire Red in GBA slot though.
You could get an electabuzz in route 222. If you want a elekid, you have to breed 2 electabuzz/vire
At the day care center after you beat the elite four and the champion she wiil give you a egg that contains elekid
Easy. All you have to do is get a male and female electabuzz and put them in day care center and they will make a egg. Or you could insert Fire red carage to the bottom of your DS. There is also a action replay code for 493 master balls (I'm not sure what the code is) and if you toss enouth balls (DO NOT SELL THEM!) an elekid will apear.
Put your ass hole in mt.cornet