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How do you site a web Page or do the references if there is no author
Go to 'page' if you have 'internet explorer' and go to view source. Look for the meta tag like this
In usual circumstances when you are reading an article you find that on that very page the name of the author is being written and you can find it over there. Some times you will find that some article is being posted by an anonymous writer and if that is the case, it is almost impossible to find the name of the author as his sole motto is to hide the identity of himself.
In a few cases you will find that an author has posted some article that has some indecent material in it and in that case if you want to know the author's name you can do it by consulting the police. The police can find that from the IP address the message has been posted and if the person repeats writing same kind of content he can be caught.
In a few cases you will find that an author has posted some article that has some indecent material in it and in that case if you want to know the author's name you can do it by consulting the police. The police can find that from the IP address the message has been posted and if the person repeats writing same kind of content he can be caught.