
What Is A User Id?


3 Answers

Arun Raj Profile
Arun Raj answered
The user id is the same as the user-name. It is a sequence of characters and numbers that is used for identification when logging on to a computer system, Internet, LAN or bulletin board. A user id along with a password gives you access to the data or content in a computer system. In an Internet email address, the user-name is what is written left of the @sign. For instance, in, 'markstephenson is the user-name.

Even when you want to write a question or submit an answer to blurtit, you need to first register yourself. While registering, you will see a field where you have to enter a 'user name' which is nothing but your identification. A person who asks a question has a user-id and so does the person who answers it.
Asim Nazir Profile
Asim Nazir answered
Each and every thing works through a proper channel and all things are not general so that everybody could access the same anytime. User id is the key of a safe where you can manage your privacy. User id is the only solution that could manage such things. First and foremost thing which one has to do for opening an account is entering a under id. Each time when an account is created, user id is assigned with a primary key which can't be assigned to any other id or field and is unique and that is the way only one person have this id once till not deleted.

Now you can manage your account with this id and can keep your e-mails and files with this id and you have the authority to send and receive information from other persons and you can also send through the same way. It's very real that when you place a phone call you has a specific number of a certain person and only that person has the authority and access to that number and that person is available to that number. Same is the case with the user id, when you are going to send some sort of information or e-mail to some body you must have to have the id of that person where you can send that data and the other person using that id and password can check that information in his account. It's not normally like some characters before@ sign and then the service proving company and then .com that is that company has that domain to their name.

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