
How can I hack my boyfriend's Instagram?


6 Answers

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

You can hack your boyfriend's Instagram using software that is downloaded onto his phone.

There are a few different kinds of hacking software that will give you access to his Instagram account:

A keylogger

I won't go into too much technical detail about how they work, but here's a quick explainer video:

The other option is to hack the Instagram app itself.

Many people claim to be able to do this, but very few are genuine.

Here's a pretty good example someone else posted on here a few weeks ago:


Before you go ahead and do any hacking though, I would urge you to consider the consequences.

I even found a news story that was about someone that went to jail for hacking into people's computers and web accounts:

"College Student Sentenced To 18 Months In Miss Teen USA Hacking Case"

Overall, I would say that whatever problem you are trying to solve between you are your boyfriend, hacking doesn't seem to be a solution at all.

It will just lead to more hurt and mistrust, and you could potentially be breaking the law too!

Instead, I would recommend having a conversation with your boyfriend about the issues you feel need discussing.

Openness, empathy and trust will always work better than spying and hacking!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Hey buddies!!!my name is Shantelle...i have been ripped off so many times before i came across as he helped save a dying soul and being ripped off anymore...i appreciate you so much man and i promise to always talk about you to the world instead of them being victims any longer...for you guys information he does all hacking jobs ranging from texts messages,whatsapp,facebook,phone calls,viber,instagram,grades ,bank accounts just name it and it will be delivered in a very short period and make you a happy person again...good luck!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I was able to get evidence of my cheating husband through the services of i got a detailed information about his secret dating,
call logs, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter and others and he hacked it without
physical access of his phone. You can contact him too he also helped two other
people i know

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I sincerely didn’t like the idea, but this is my way of saying thank you to the Quora user that recommended a hacker (ETHICALHACKERS009@GMAIL.COM)

I hired him for a very private and difficult matter of helping me hack a my spouse’s phone and social networks and some other personal stuffs and he far exceeded my expectations. Which Jeremie, helped me get the info(whatsapp, facebook, text messages, call logs etc) faster and cheaper than I had imagined. The first time we spoke, we had a very long phone consultation in he gave me all my options that he could think of to resolve my case, and he even recommended I try other options before hiring him, which shows that he is honest. I decided to hire him and I am glad I did. He is a fantastic investigator and a great person. If you need a professional, reliable and efficient hacker, then you should contact this guy ; ETHICALHACKERS009@GMAIL.COM

You can also call him or send him a text +16692252253

James France Profile
James France , Service rendered by, answered

My name is JAMES WEBB , I have been living with my wife for some years now,she has been keeping late nights and also receiving calls late at night, I was afraid she has been cheating on me and a friend of mine introduced me to a private investigator who helped me and gave me the password to her Facebook and Gmail account and also linked all her phone conversations to me. He saved me from all her lies and infidelity, he gave me all I wanted during our divorce and helped me with evidence in court.

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