If you breed pikachu or raichu with one of them holding a light ball the pichu will know volt tackle all you have to do is evolve it
No but if you have a WII I haerd you buy from a shop Pokemon battil something and complet the game youll get a pekacho that knows surf and vold thingny
First you catch a pikachu at the Mansion's garden on route 208. Next make sure that you have pikachu
first in your party.(this increaces the chance of encounter of picus, and pikachus.) Then go back to the
Mansion's garden. Make shure that you bring lots of quick balls. Finally, every pikachu you see, cacth
every one you encounter with do this for a really long time and one of those pikachus will have a light ball
trust me I've done it myself and it works.
first in your party.(this increaces the chance of encounter of picus, and pikachus.) Then go back to the
Mansion's garden. Make shure that you bring lots of quick balls. Finally, every pikachu you see, cacth
every one you encounter with do this for a really long time and one of those pikachus will have a light ball
trust me I've done it myself and it works.