How do i get all my text that is sent and recieved from my phone forwarded to my email account?


1 Answers

Rebecca Hunt Profile
Rebecca Hunt answered
There are different ways for you to get a copy of all your sent and received text messages from your phone that is forwarded to your email account. However, it would depend on your phone and email provider of the number of messages you will be able to retrieve. Here are 3 common ways you can easily get a copy of your sent and received text messages that is forwarded to your email account:

  • Most of the mobile phones nowadays automatically records all your sent and received messages on your phone memory. If your phone has a large phone memory, it will be able to keep record of up to thousands and thousands of your messages on your phone.
  • Since the messages are also forwarded to your email account, you can also access all of your sent and received text messages in your email account using a computer or even through your mobile phones that allows internet browsing. Most email providers offer large storage capacity so it is likely that all your email messages, ever since you start using your email, can be accessed. However you must check your email settings as some email providers automatically delete very old messages unless the user changes its settings.
  • If your mobile phone is synced to your personal computer, you can also access all your sent and received messages from your last synced time in your pc.

These are just some of the common ways to get a copy of all your sent and received messages in your phone that is forwarded to your email account. If you want to be sure that all your text and email message history is always recorded, it is recommended that you choose the latest mobile phone and a trusted email service provider.

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