
What Is A VoIP Converter?


8 Answers

Peter Clark Profile
Peter Clark answered
The VOIP converter device takes the signal from our traditional home
phone and converts it into digital data for transmission over the
Internet. You just need to connect regular phone line and computer's USB
port using Uconnect VOIP converter and it will load up the included  software.
Taylor Edgar Profile
Taylor Edgar answered
A VoIP is a device that enables you to take advantage of VoIP (Voice over IP) without the need to buy a VoIP handset or feel silly wearing a microphone headset while talking to your computer screen.

Similar in appearance to a Flash Memory stick, a VoIP converter fits into a spare USB port. Thanks to some technical wizardry, the VoIP converter picks up the signal from a normal landline phone, DECT or cordless phone and converts it into digital data for transmission via internet telephony. The converter allows users to make and receive internet phone calls with their standard landline handset when their computer is switched on. When the computer is off, the converter routes calls over the normal landline until the computer is available again.

Something that might be an issue for some people is that this type of device requires its own USB port. Depending on the number of peripherals you run already, may require the purchase of a hub.

Manufacturers do not recommend plugging a converter into a spare USB port on a router as they cannot guarantee it will work reliably or at all.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
VoIP Converter is that kind of device that  takes the convert the signal  from normal land line
into digital data for transmission over the Internet. You just required  to connect regular phone line and computer's USB port using Uconnect VOIP converter and it will load up the included  software.
Gary Fett Profile
Gary Fett answered
A device that converts analog phone signal to digital signal.
Matthew  Gabriel Profile
Matthew Gabriel answered

A VoIP adapter is a device that converts analog voice signals into digital IP packets for transport over an IP network. A VoIP adapter also converts digital IP packets in analog voice streams. Standard VoIPadapters connect to analog telephones via an FXS port.

tale norm Profile
tale norm answered
VoIP converter or VoIP modem is an electronic device that translate voice signal into digital signal.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The video converter software is a great tool to help you convert the formats from one to another,by it ,you can easily see your videos at any time and any place
I srongly recommend you the site which is frequently used
to choose a better one the Cucusoft Ultimate Video Coverter is the preference
you can google in the site:

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