How to get off SS Aqua + pokemon soul silver?


1 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
S.S. Aqua
As you enter the port in Olivine City, Professor Oak will be there. He'll congratulate you some more on becoming the League Champion and will then give you an upgrade to your Pokedex to turn it into the National Dex! Sweet!

Now you'll be able to switch between the Johto Dex mode and the National Dex mode in your Pokedex. It will also show your seen and caught Pokemon for each mode separately, which is nice if you're trying to complete one or the other.

Afterwards, you're free to head down to the dock and, after flashing your S.S. Ticket, aboard the S.S. Aqua!

Inside, a man will be looking around in a bit of a panic. Apparently his daughter went missing aboard, and they're not going to be able to set sail until she's found. That's a real bummer, but it means you're going to have to do some searching!

You can do that in a bit, though; you may want to fight the selection of Trainers aboard. None of them should be too difficult, but you'll also find some of the Trainers using Pokemon from the National Dex, which is pretty cool. You're going to see more of that in Kanto, which is a nice addition that they didn't have to add in.

If you need healing, you can nap on the bed in your room, which is located in the southeastern most room on the first floor.

After battling any Trainers you want, go down to the basement and try head to the eastern part of the ship. A sailor won't let you pass because his buddy isn't there. He's apparently still sleeping.

Go back to the first floor and inside the room near yours. Wake up the sleeping sailor and he'll run off in a hurry.

Now you can go back to the basement and past the guy over to the engine room. Take the ladder up to the captain's room, where the man's daughter is hiding. Talk to her, and she'll run off. Get back here, you!

Chase her down to the basement of the ship, but this time search in the western part of it. You'll see her sort of hiding there. Talk to her and you'll finally apprehend her and bring her back to her father, who will reward you with the Metal Coat.

Afterwards, the ship will land in Vermilion City. Welcome to Kanto!
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
S.S. Aqua
As you enter the port in Olivine City, Professor Oak will be there. He'll congratulate you some more on becoming the League Champion and will then give you an upgrade to your Pokedex to turn it into the National Dex! Sweet!

Now you'll be able to switch between the Johto Dex mode and the National Dex mode in your Pokedex. It will also show your seen and caught Pokemon for each mode separately, which is nice if you're trying to complete one or the other.

Afterwards, you're free to

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