What Are The Types Of Computer According To Purpose, Data Handled And Capacity?


4 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
Any computer is a machine that takes instructions that are complied into machine language, otherwise known as binary code and accomplish tasks. They do of course vary greatly as to purpose, data handled, and capacity. Home desktops and laptops are generally designed to be robust machines that are used for personal finance, working from home, and e-commerce. They tend to have an average RAM of 3 gigabytes, and a hard disk with around 250 gigabytes. Business computers that are used as part of an enterprise tend to be larger in RAM and hard disk capacity, and integral parts of today's business world. Scientific computers have an even larger capacity and in some cases many small computers around the world combine to create a virtual supercomputer.

Home, business, and scientific computers grow every year in capacity, and there are some high-end consumer models that now boast over one terabyte in capacity with RAM capability of up to eight gigabytes and more on the horizon. With home computers this powerful many people can tele-commute from home saving both time and their employer expenses. They can also be used to start a serious home-based business such as graphic design, web design, or free-lance writing.

Business and scientific computers can reach many terabytes of hard drive space and act as servers for applications to other client computers. One trend that has been in use for some time is a scientific study for SETI, which is the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence. Many people around the world have allowed a small part of their computer to be used in the search and combined with thousands of other computers around the globe combine to make a super virtual computer.

Computers for home, business, and science will continue to evolve and become more powerful while also becoming more affordable to the average buyer.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Types of computers according to data handled
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

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