Where To Find Misty In Pokemon Soul Silver And Can You Find Her At Any Time?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She is at the cape north of crulean city.  Before you see her, though, you must  go to power plant, fight the foreign team rocket man, recover the stolen piece, and return it.  She will appear there with a date, call you a brat, and go back to the gym
Melissa Peach Profile
Melissa Peach answered
Okay, so you go past the two on the bridge and all the way to the top, go right and you'll have to fight "the 6 pack" some random and a guy that rewards you with a nugget....
Then you go past bills house, which his grandpa is house sitting. He gives you nothing anyways. Keep going along till you climb stairs and thats when you startle them...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First go north the city with misty as the gym leader(I don't know how to spell this city).then you battle all trainers to get to bill's house.finally go right and she will be with her boyfriend.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You find her at route 25 and you have to do something first though
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She runs a kanto gym after you beat the elite four take the boat to kanto and find get gym
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Uh hey gaglegoogs here... I found out what to do right after I posted the question...sorry

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