Write to small worlds and give them ideas for the site. If they like the idea they will give you free vip for 3 months, trust me. I tried it.
Ok my smallworlds name is pretiie priincess and that account I didnt log on for 5 months and inaly I was digging through my email mail and found a mail that said smallworlds misses you were willing to give up v.I.p. For you
iThouqht they were lying but then I clicked accept and I got 2,000 gold and one month v.I.p:D No lie add me I'm v.I.p now but its almost ending:(
iThouqht they were lying but then I clicked accept and I got 2,000 gold and one month v.I.p:D No lie add me I'm v.I.p now but its almost ending:(
I can get free VIP for anyone who wants it. Just mail Tyler Coolman and I'll hook you up
I got banned twice and I have no idea why and my name was Johnny Malone the 2nd. I don't know if my place still looks good but it was freakin awesome but I hit rock bottom... I had a pony...got hacked and taken.. Had a penthouse... Got hacked and taken...
Everything was goin bad and I thought I could just earn more gold and buy some stuff and then I earned like 10k and I got banned right after it came in... Ive been trying for gold everywhere ever since.
I got rich by doing all these steps I bought VIP with 1,500 gold
1.do offers
2.watch videos
3.trading tokens for gold at the trading post
4.go to SOME gold generators
And then boom there ya gold go
I'm Vip bought with gold
Anybody have a unused VIP small worlds account that I can use?
Well I went and be a vi for free
On smallworlds you need an email so of corse all of these wont work
Yuppers I'm nicole blake the 16 lol I'm banned for 7 days tho
Well, I got a 1 month vi for free from smallworlds themselves for becoming a member for a year or so....
I NEED A SMALLWORLDS ACCOUNT TO!!!! GET ME RICH ND VIP!! Somehow I got hacked, I hit the jackpot and it lik dissapeard!! I use to be rich nd now I'm not!
Smallworlds: Trevis Andoh
Facebook: Tommy Wartooth
Smallworlds: Trevis Andoh
Facebook: Tommy Wartooth
Hm.. Yes ! But I'm not giving it to you!
The only way to get vip is to pay for it using gold or real money. Anyone promising to get you vip if you send them your login details are simply after your account.
Gold can be earned or bought by using real money. To earn gold simply go to the factory and choose an offer to complete.
Gold can be earned or bought by using real money. To earn gold simply go to the factory and choose an offer to complete.
Yup its awesome...you can send alerts... Go to aqua lounge...the first day I went there I thought I would be fun but its BORING!!!...Anyways Yea I have Vip until April
I think I would be a good vip because like other vip are mean to people that are not vip and I will not do that and I will keep are world clean
I have one username- chealseaz
password- guess by your self freaks worthless of a vip account
password- guess by your self freaks worthless of a vip account
Ukh nothing works can someone give me their account for free pls I'm begging you
Wow people get a life -_- earn your own gold trade/sell stuff sheesh and Plus you cannot get cheats for gold