Ifap.to videos are pornographic videos created specifically for mobile phones. Therefore to view the videos you need to access the site on one of the phones listed. The mobile phones that currently support Ifap.to videos are: IPhone, iPod Touch, Android G1, Sony PSP or Blackberry with Opera Mini. If you do not have one of these compatible mobile phones then you will not be able to watch Ifap.to videos. The website suggests that if this is the case then you should visit their alternative site i4Chan until they have made versions available for your mobile phone. It has been suggested that some of the site's features, such as the live chat, are available for users on computers but most users will find alternative pornography sites.
Pornography can be found in a wide range of media and the introduction of the internet has made it accessible to more and more platforms. Since, the porn industry has boomed and now generates billions of dollars a year worldwide. It is defined as the portrayal of explicit sexual subject matter for the purposes of sexual excitement and erotic satisfaction. By many this is the most specific description, meaning that any sex shows or stripteases, where the act is not portrayed, cannot be defined as pornography. The production and consumption of pornography has significantly increased in the latter half of the 20th century. This is due to the change of social attitudes towards sexuality and the emergence of a more relaxed and accepting approach to the subject area.
Pornography is classified accordingly to the physical characteristics of the models and participants alongside any fetish, sexual activities or sexual orientation involved. The classification of pornography can also be affected by whether it is animated, legally prohibited or whether it is reality or voyeurism.
Pornography can be found in a wide range of media and the introduction of the internet has made it accessible to more and more platforms. Since, the porn industry has boomed and now generates billions of dollars a year worldwide. It is defined as the portrayal of explicit sexual subject matter for the purposes of sexual excitement and erotic satisfaction. By many this is the most specific description, meaning that any sex shows or stripteases, where the act is not portrayed, cannot be defined as pornography. The production and consumption of pornography has significantly increased in the latter half of the 20th century. This is due to the change of social attitudes towards sexuality and the emergence of a more relaxed and accepting approach to the subject area.
Pornography is classified accordingly to the physical characteristics of the models and participants alongside any fetish, sexual activities or sexual orientation involved. The classification of pornography can also be affected by whether it is animated, legally prohibited or whether it is reality or voyeurism.