URL means Uniform Resource Locater and it is the address of a website. W.ww.yahoo.co is the URL of Yahoo website.
HTTP is a hypertext transport protocol. A protocol is used in computer language for communication. HTTP is used for communication between a client computer (which sends request) and server computer(which accepts request) to view a web page. It is used before any website like www.yahoo.com is used to access the yahoo website.
To know the details of your computer system, you should go to start>programs>accessories>system tools>system information.
HTTP is a hypertext transport protocol. A protocol is used in computer language for communication. HTTP is used for communication between a client computer (which sends request) and server computer(which accepts request) to view a web page. It is used before any website like www.yahoo.com is used to access the yahoo website.
To know the details of your computer system, you should go to start>programs>accessories>system tools>system information.