
What Do You Mean By Computer System?


1 Answers

James Kent Profile
James Kent answered
A computer system can usually refer to the operating system which is loaded onto a piece of hardware. For example, one of the most popular operating systems in use in the western world is Microsoft Windows, with current editions in circulation including Windows 7, Vista and XP. Increasing its market share is Apple’s Mac platform, which is installed onto all of the computers which this multi-billion dollar company sells. Linux is another open-source OS that is mainly popular with programmers and developers who may be building pieces of software for commercial use.

Usually, the OS on a computer system will have special applications that will only be compatible with that type of computer. For example, you aren’t able to use Internet Explorer on an Apple Mac. Likewise, you can’t use software packages like iWork and iMovie on Windows operating systems, even though Apple products like Safari, QuickTime and iTunes have been released for Windows due to their mainstream popularity and the success of the iPod.

Technology is constantly changing with computer systems, and now, it is possible to have your cake and eat it when it comes to using operating systems. If you have an Apple laptop or desktop computer, the boot camp system allows you to use the computer on both Apple and Mac operating systems. This is an irresistible advantage for many people who may prefer to use Microsoft Word instead of Pages, or Excel instead of Numbers. This flexibility has been applauded by many techies as a positive move for Apple, which has nothing to lose because of how its OS already comes installed on their computer systems.

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