I have a 256GB MacBook Pro Retina, so obviously dont have the space internally! I have a 2TB external hard drive, where my Audio and Video folders currently sit. But, I'm afraid that if this Hard Drive decides to break, I'm screwed!
So, I'm toying with the idea of buying another 2TB Hard Drive, and just making another copy OR investing in some cloud storage.
Google Drive offers 1TB of online storage for about £32 a month. Not too bad, when compared with Dropbox, who offer only 500GB for this price. I have also looked at Crashplan, but that's just cloud backups (much like Time Machine) and has no cloud storage for archiving.
What I'm trying to figure out is a way of storing my VERY important and large audio and video folders safely. I think external hard drive and cloud is the best way to go, but what do you think?
All opinions welcome!