You have to get a code for that one you can bey it but it con only be used ones SO becarefull
If your looking for the Club Penguin Band jackets and they come in white or dark gray with Club Penguin logo on it, you need to purchase a Club Penguin toy that comes with a coin for series 2 for the white Penguin Band Jacket and the series 3 for the gray Penguin Band Jacket and with the coins you can unlock the treasure book.
Well there is a lot of penguin band jackets like there is an red one, dark green, pink, and brown. You can get the red one from toys r us the treasure book. Get a toy at toys r us and it will come with a code, when our logging on CP and it says unlock items, click that can click I got a code, and the code that came with the toy is on the coin! You get to pick 2 items even if your a non member! Make sure the toy season says season 3! Warning the code can only be used once per code.
You buy it
Buy a treasure book