
How Can I Find Out Someone's Yahoo! Password?


1 Answers

Florent Lefortier Profile
In all honesty, you shouldn't be trying to find out someone's Yahoo! password - you wouldn't like it if somebody did that to you!

Is It Possible To Find Out Somebody's Yahoo! Password?
Not without installing some kind of spyware or key-logger onto their computer. There's no legal way of finding out what another person's password is.

Why Is It Wrong To Sign In To Someone Else's Yahoo! Account?
Well, it's a huge breach of their privacy, to begin with. It defeats the whole point of them having a password in the first place.

I can't think of any situation where it would be acceptable to access someone's email without their permission.

Even if you're dating someone, and you think that they're cheating on you, it's still wrong to spy on them like that.

Relationships should be built on trust, and if you can't trust the other person, then you shouldn't be together in the first place.

If you think that your partner is cheating on you, or sending messages about you, then you should discuss that with them in a mature and adult way, rather than trying to spy on them behind their back. In my eyes, that's just as bad as whatever you suspect them of having done to begin with.

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