The "cout" object____ Output Stream
The "cout" is pronounced as "See out". The "cout" stands for console output. The console represents the computer display screen.
The "cout" is a C++ predefined object. It is used as an output statement to display output on the computer screen. It is a part of iostream header file.
Flow of data from one location to another location is called stream. The "cout" is the standard output stream in c++. This stream sends the output to the computer screen.
The syntax of cout is:
cout<< const1/var1, const2/var2;
Cout: It is the name of output stream object.
<<: Put to operator or insertion operator. It directs the output-to-output device.
Const1/var1, const2/var2: It is the list of constants, variables or arithmetic expression or each variable or constant, separate operator "<<" is used.
The string constants are given in double quotation marks. Numeric constants, variables and expressions are given without quotation marks e.g.:
cout << "One kilobyte = "<<1204<<"bytes";
In the above statements, two string constants, one numeric constant and three put to operators(<<) have been used. The output of the above statement will be:
One kilobyte= 1024 bytes