
Why Do We Use Conio.h In C Language?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Conio.h library in C implies a console version which encapsulates the common I/O functions. They are primarily used to bypass both the buffers stdin and stdout to access the console in direct fashion. This library usually contains nine basic functions listed as follows -

• _kbhit - This function verifies whether a key in the keyboard is pressed or not.

• _getch - This function enables to read a character straight from the console (without echo).

• _getche - This function enables to read a character straight from the console (with echo).

• _ungetch - This function puts a character back into the buffer (keyboard).

• _cputs - This function enables to gain an output straight to the console.

• _putch - This function enables to write a character straight to the console.

• _cgets - This function enables to receive a character straight from the console.

• _cprintf - This function helps to make the format and to print strings straight to the console.

• _cscanf - This function helps to read and format the value straight from the console.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Conio.h   is  basically  a  header  file   in  c++   library   which   is   responsible   for  input  and  output   operation  in   a  c++  program   .it  stand's   for   console  input  and   output.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Console input output
Amanda Wells Profile
Amanda Wells answered
It's used to create interfaces, but if you look at this introduction you should find a lot more information there. It's quite a long text so it may take a bit of scrolling through to find out everything about Conio.h.

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