Conio.h library in C implies a console version which encapsulates the common I/O functions. They are primarily used to bypass both the buffers stdin and stdout to access the console in direct fashion. This library usually contains nine basic functions listed as follows -
• _kbhit - This function verifies whether a key in the keyboard is pressed or not.
• _getch - This function enables to read a character straight from the console (without echo).
• _getche - This function enables to read a character straight from the console (with echo).
• _ungetch - This function puts a character back into the buffer (keyboard).
• _cputs - This function enables to gain an output straight to the console.
• _putch - This function enables to write a character straight to the console.
• _cgets - This function enables to receive a character straight from the console.
• _cprintf - This function helps to make the format and to print strings straight to the console.
• _cscanf - This function helps to read and format the value straight from the console.
• _kbhit - This function verifies whether a key in the keyboard is pressed or not.
• _getch - This function enables to read a character straight from the console (without echo).
• _getche - This function enables to read a character straight from the console (with echo).
• _ungetch - This function puts a character back into the buffer (keyboard).
• _cputs - This function enables to gain an output straight to the console.
• _putch - This function enables to write a character straight to the console.
• _cgets - This function enables to receive a character straight from the console.
• _cprintf - This function helps to make the format and to print strings straight to the console.
• _cscanf - This function helps to read and format the value straight from the console.