
How To Get 2,000 Coins On Meez?


13 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Meez is a social networking websites where teenager users can create a three dimensional avatar of themselves and use it to interact with other players. Your avatar can be customized to mimic your own personal appearance and you can buy more clothes, shoes and accessories to make them look even more like you. To purchase items you will need Meez Coinz. But if you're starting to run low then don't worry, there are four ways that you can get more coinz.

The first way that you can get Meez Coinz is to just buy them. In order to do this you will firstly need to go to and log into your account using your individual username and password. Once you have logged in, underneath your username there will be a pink Coinz icon which will let you purchase additional coinz if you click on it. Select the package of coinz that you want and follow the instructions online to complete your transaction and pay for your coinz. Your total number of coinz will be displayed once you have completed the transaction.

The next method that you can try is to complete a survey or a special deal offer which are usually mentioned on the meez homepage. If you click the 'add coinz and cash' link and then scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will see a link that says 'get coinz'. You will then be given a list of all the special offers or surveys that are available to you. Pick the one that appeals to you the most and complete the survey or offer. Once you have done, it may take up to 24 hours for you to receive your coins. For some surveys it could take up to two weeks.

The third way to get coinz is to buy a Meez Coinz Card from your local retail store and then follow the instructions on the back of the card to redeem your points to your account.

The final way is to play Meez Games. Meez Games have rewards that give you Coinz. All of the Coinz are added to you account.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Play starshine g0 to games click on a-z on page 6 then open another window goto type in starshine walkthrough then open it when you go to meez back to the game page and the game is loaded play all 50 levels you have the cheat when your done you should have about 2500 or more coins it works you I promise if you don't get all your coins play again it will work message me my meez is so_fly_94
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Okay maybe this will help you find the game boogle on meez the go to boogle solver and its will guide you through out the game also find starshine on meez games go to google and put in starshine walkthrough and it will help you hope you get lots of coinz ;] also add me and rate my profile 5/5 my username is rosie36 =]
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
By play in games
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can simply get meez codes by searching meez codes on google or yahoo, or you can register for the newsletter or become v.I.p  but you have eto buy it which is about 6$ and you get about 12,000 coins limited haha or you can play there games which gives you about a few coins which can give you badges but I don't know what you do with them, you can add ME (unicornsaysrawr) an dwe can become great friends btw my name is really kimberly and rate this answer plzz! Thnx come to mee on and come to ME if oyu need help with somthing :)! And if you are new I will show you around :) or something ahah but if you don't have a meez for register because it is free and it is totally fun and you meet new and interesting people ahha well thnx bye rate and add ME :) bye!!
jay bright Profile
jay bright answered
Hey This Is ManhattenQueen Add me but if you want 2405 coinsz I can help
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I don't know how to get them but I've seen a lot of website offering them for free or as a competition or championship like and others

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ok I don't   know away to to get 2000 but still I know away to get about 1,000
go to meez forum and search for the hauter brothers thing and the the daily trivias and you can to them over
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can earn 2,000 coinz on meez by playing games and going on "" and searching meez coinz ! AND MEEZ IS THE BEST PLACE IN THE WORLD!

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