You can't get one I think it is really really stupid! Other phones can but no not this one:(
It doesn't let you have one.! Gay.
You just stop be n lazy and type it yourself
It doesnt have just have to type it everytime you text.
You can't! :D Neither Can The Samsung Flight ;]
I agree with that guy you just hav to put it n evry time
You have to add a text template and everytime you want to add a sig just add a text template
I agree I have tried pretty much everything..... :( and I'm not being lazy I just don t want to do tht every time
Cellphones are created to be easier. The Samsung Impression is convenient but it sucks that there is no signature.
Well just saying thats gay to click add text template, but since its the only thing I guess itll work.
Yea on my old phone I had a signature but now I can't but I still like this phone I will probably use the template thing though it sounds like a good idea.
Some of you who are telling people to put there signature their self every time... Your crazy! Maybe some people don't want to do that!... And its not being lazy!!!
I don't know it is impossible there is no possibility at all the only thing you can do is save as templete and add it everytime you send a message
Oh my god I am like going crazy every freakin time I get a new phone it dosent have a signature ! And I try to do the template thingy but I keep forgetting!
Grrrrrr my friends and I all have the same fone and we want a signiture really bad...=(
First you have to open tools then sms messaging then click on my dick and set it to cum