
How To Know My Globe Sim Number?


1 Answers

Rebecca Hunt Profile
Rebecca Hunt answered
The two basic ways to find out the phone number associated with a Globe sim card are as follows;

  • Insert the SIM card into a mobile phone and use it to call your own phone. This way the caller display will list the phone number that belongs to the SIM or you will able to dial the automated service your phone provides to find out the last number to call you.
  • Alternatively, you can insert the SIM card into a mobile phone and search through the phone book for 'my number'. If the SIM card's number is not listed within the phone book it is normally listed somewhere within the phone's settings.
If neither of these methods help display the mobile phone number that belongs to the sim card then it may be necessary to seek the advice from the company itself.

Globe Telecom is a leading telecommunications company in the Philippines that offers a number of mobile phone services and products. Their website ( has a 'Support' section that provides a number of troubleshooting frequently asked questions as well as the contact details for the customer service helpline.

If you contact the customer service helpline from a phone that does not contain the SIM card, the advisor will be able to talk you through the process of finding the number. If you would rather carry out the task in your own time you may be able to email the customer service team in order to be sent a list of instructions that you can follow from your computer.

The telephone number for Globe customer services is 211 (toll free from a Globe mobile phone) or 02 730 1000 from any other phone. The email address is and the website also offers an online chat assistant.

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