
Can Anyone Give Me An Unused Buildabearville Account With Bears?


12 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey I have one the username is denissepurple1 password jonas6749 its poor but it has a bear and I still use it plz don't sell the stuff that I buy for the cub condo I tried really hard on that well its used but it has a bear answer back please tell your friends to put date or click it then they will see knew ones hope it works and you know pass sounds dumb just cal it passwords her is a hint if someone puts a username and the password has it  its fake I think it has to have at leas 2 number bye:D
Kirsten babv Profile
Kirsten babv answered
Hello I am doing the same thing you guys all want berbills,bears,credits,and items, well I know how you can get it. I was looking for accounts and bears and I saw this email so I sent them a email and I was RICH!! The emaill is
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Buy a bear
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Buy a bear is the best option or then just nick 1 from a b rother sister who ever EVIL HAY
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Asha2hip215 is my username

sangeeta99 is my pass
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
These accounts are all fake

just people be nice and give that kind person a real account
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Abbe2hip is my user name
cool1 is my password

it really works I have a bear which is brown and has a dress
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Here use mine I don't even play on it, yet it was addicting but now not so much....

Username:  ZoeDiva128

Password:  Hi12365452hi

It's really rare trust me!

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