What would be the fun in cheating? There are plenty of games on the Beta version of Buildabearville.com, which is still being created for people who just love to create their own huggable bears. Whether you want to ride some waves in the brilliant game Catch a Wave, or if you’re feeling more arty and you want to paint on a canvas, there is going to be a game for you. There is a Help section showing you how to get involved with all of the games that are on the website, and if you do need a little more advice, asking your mom, dad or older brother and sister to show you how things work is another great idea. This way, there won’t be a problem when you want to log on during a rainy day!
There are plenty of great places to visit on Buildabearville.com. Why not have a sneak peek at Chloe’s blog, reading about the sleepovers she’s going to and what she likes to do on the weekend. She is a little girl just like you, and it can be brilliant to make friends safely on this website. Of course, you need to be safe, and this is why you should always have your mom or dad’s permission before you get your own bear on Buildabearville.com. This way, everyone is happy and no one will be mad!
Also, if you feel like you are in the mood for a brand-new bear soon, don’t forget to visit Bearville.com for plenty of lovely squishy toys to look at!
Go in the coffee shop, and you can see portraits, you may click on one, and it will lead you to a cool place to chill with your friends & family! =) have fun!
Well here are some secret places 1:go to the coffe shop click on the long cat picture cat color yellow background orange and you go to the secret coffe shop 2:go to the Entrence (not like the entrance to the building no) and click on the tree with the hole (in helloween there's pumpkins in it) 3:go to town sqare click on the trapoline and you'll go to the buildabear outfitters rooftop 3:go to the arts pawforming arts centre and click the top corner like it looks like a queen and kind seats at the top to go to back stage my name on buildabearville is KelseyAdventerous131 send me a friend request by bear mail thank me later.
Just a tip here, don't throw away your recipt code! You can use it again 5 other times but, with diffirent accounts,it gives you the credits for, the credit shop!
Well here are a few tips, tricks and cheats which will help you out.
1. J955-K8S5-3WX9 : Honey Shake it Dance 2. Milk-rcks-2008 : Milk 3. Y226-bw25-dx63 : Valentines Day Emoticon
You should log in to their forums and there you'll be able to find interesting tips, tricks and many other helpful stuff. Here's the link: www.bearvilleguide.niceboard.net
Cheats, cheats, ummm. Check the Bearville Times. Sometimes they put special things. Read it through each time it changes. Usually every ten days. That is why I'm soooo rich! Some times if you look closely you can see secrets. :) Also buy a lot of plants, take care of them and sell their contents. Makes you rich. And don't enter your receipt code, enter your stuff for stuff number AND receipt code. It gets you more stuff.
I can give you people like 3 but I know a lot more than that. Milkrcks0808 cowbell worn around neck 7Ln5T4bs44yh 1,000 bear bills ws537vj67y33 That's all I have time for. Later dudeanators!
Can someone email me an unused code if you give me an unused code I will give you my account info for build a bear in email my email is tonyam7@yahoo.com
I have to agree with some of the other people. There is no since and sitting here waiting for someone to give you a code they have already used, It's stupid. And don't you people have something better to do than just sit here and ask questions it takes months for people to answer? [:
Hello I hope I can help you to insert codes go to the babw in babv. Then click on the bear bear behind the counter. His name is champ and he is the build a bear associate. Click 'enter a web code' and enter these codes. PEOP-BAB2-2008 = 1000BB FREE-BEAR-BILL = 500BB bye ps my character name is makaylaadventurebear195 - add me!
Hello I think that this is all aload of rubbish. Most of these are already used. I think that you should ignore it all and you know get the proper codes. A really good site for cheats that havent been used though is: Bearville Insiders- type it in to google and click away!!!!!! From Me BTW add me if you see me on BABV my names----- Abbiangel3766
I have a CODE for a bear and I have a free acount the bear is none of your buisness the acount is user: Thejanubeary pass word:pup911 if that don't work try bailey10
Daily things to do in BABV: Go to the Sportsplex click on the Panda, tick every box and get 100 BB Go to the Performing Arts Centre (inside) Click on the high curtain thing on the wall and play the mini game to collect 200 BB Finally hight light on this checklist thing on the screen then click on the boxes to do everything !! Go to Bearwood Mall to do all your work shifts to get some BB
Hi I'm TianaTapDance2 on Buildabearville I got a elf access card here is the code 328k998588xx. I also got Winters hug bears ID number and key code. The Id number is U038738020015 and the key code is 221110. Please don't yell at me if it doesn't work. I'm only a child trying to help. Um I am sorry if they don't work. And a merry Christmas to all you people.
Hgs5-k832-z5tc I Heart BABW Tee, s334-6q32-6sn5 Hannah Montana Outfit Includes, Purple Furry Boa, Star Head Set, Star Skirt, Star Shirt :) Here Is The Other Hannah Montana Code for another outfit, 9n84-g72j-ymt6,Milk-Rcks-0808 Cow Bell, 3qgg-wm48-35mq Pom Poms Thanks! :)
Does anyone have any UNUSED codes I can have? I'm desperate so if you have any please leave your email on here and I will send you an email and I will get the codes then plz?
Click on the palm tree behind the lifeguard chair, at the bottom of the palm tree, click it, and you will be by the lighthouse on the bottom of the map.
Build a bear is awesome so ill give you some chit codes that really work LOL YOUR-FREE-GIFT yo-yo emoticon FREE-BEAR-BILL 500 BB FREE-GIFT-1TEE BVO t-shirt your welcome AND this do work trust me
There is this great build-a-bear-ville forum you can join it if you want there are some cool cheats and prices to be won you cna get 1000 bear-bills for joining it babv-lovers.forumotion.net
Go to Youtube and type please help and I have a lot of codes for everyone. Or you could try these:PEOP-BAB2-2008 F542-3443-92JL JBQC-R6K7-W46M 23D2-DSCZ-C968 983W-9J9R-3H6Q 6S87-223B-78H2 79T5-2N9G-9234 368F-K6KM-4V53 3347-229F-MP3V 893R-SL9F-3GLC HG3R-4266-6R35 BYKL-23CW-ZC62 QCRH-7S42-S(5)24R QR33-66DY-5XCS D822-Z895-KC9W MRCC-4FS8-FH6M WS53-7VJ6-7Y33 NGK4-BABV-2008 9N84-G72J-YMT6 RH7K-4X3W-88MG
You knowe what you guys are lieing! And besides some some of you are not so good job! And the others bad job you hear me you are hearing me right? Tell me you are NOW!!! Sorry but I'm furious beacuse I did not get what I always wanted I'm crying please stand by ok wait theres more ok I'm better goodbye!
I have a bunch of buildabearville codes and I would like to share them with you so here ! PLAYHOUSE:23d2-dsc2-c968 MONEY;free-bear-bill ARIN:rh7k-4x3w-88mg SHIRT:free-gift-1tee now the next ones are all POSTERS: Tour-babw-7639 tour-babw-1837 tour-babw-7270 tour-babw-4549 tour-babw-8564 tour-babw-4684 tour-babw-0704
THANK YOU ; HOPE THIS HELPS YOU OUT and this is how you can get a lot of money first open another page of buildabearville then make another one just for fun then goto the workshop in town square and tipe in this code free-bear-bill then it will give you 500 dollars then do it to your real account and then trade with the fake account to your real account and then you will have a lot of money
The Hannah Montana Outfit code does not work but there is a Purple Diva Outfit and the code works if it doesn't make sure it is typed in right. The code is 9n84 g72j ymt6. I don't have a build a bear but I would like one please. Thanks for all the help everyone.
I will tell you some codes if you tell me some of yours because I just like to unlock stuff and by the way I have like 30 codes I do not know if you know some of them so ok hear they are MILK milk rcks 2008 pompoms 3qgg wm48 35mq those are some codes to lazy to type more bye
Really, you can get money easy! Just sell some of your stuff, like, say your having a sale in the neighborhood, and people will come to buy all of your stuff! Its awesome! BTW, I don't have a bear. Can someone send me a bear code? I really need one, because my friend expects me to have one.
I know a secret place the light house you can go inside it I been in it all you have to do is go to sunshine shores and press the tree and it will launch you to the light house there is another one but I am tired of typing
OK I got one Say its your BIRTHDAY!!!! And if its your BIRTHDAY you can go to your local buildabearville store and tell them its your birthday so after you tell them they'll give you a receipt code that will give you a Balloon shaped ice cream ride, but you have to have a virtual character first!!! OH and one more thing my character is AlyssaRainbow133 I have 3 buildabear already lol!!!!:) And thats about it!?!?
Thanx Strawberry Wish,it has been a long time since we met in that chat room.You helped me to become a member and do you remember the day I chatted with you in pixiehollow it was great.And now I have earned badges and I have done plenty wilderness quests(easy as pie).See you soon in this chat room(maybe).Just remember to write your name in pixiehollow. Love Emily Little
Lets see I know this is stupid but all the codes they give you do not work and one thing is I am not a fool so you can not fool me not in one way and I have 1000 codes that I don't use but I am n ot going to write them down because whats the proit if you put a code down and some one toke it or you used it so bye have a good night or day
Where do enter them in at I know you have 2 go 2 champ in build a bear workshop online in babv what categories do you enter it in because I tried like fifteen times and none of them categories work please write back asap and anyone who does have a bear and did not enter the key code and animal id please write back ASAP please ok thanks
If you go on your person log on then open a new tab and make new one don't GIVE IT STUFF because you WONT USE IT AGAIN!! And trade with new one with your old one. Give the 100 bear bills from the new one to your old one and ta da!! You have an extra 1000 bearbills!!
People who say get your own bear then are people who only think about them selfs because some people might not be as rich as you so it would be nice for a little treat once in a while so if you have got nothing nice to say don't say it
Someone gave me this code I don't know if it works so don't blame me someone gave it to me here 244J-Q74Z-28RC and for a cheerleading move for your character TM45-ZWX9-J732 and an account someone put on a website Bearstar37 Password bearemy it has a bunch of cool moves
Hi you should not put eny thing up for cheats because I had two acounts one with a bear and one with out I used cheat on the one without and I got band and I froze for useing cheats and you do need a code to bring a bear online because I have a tan swirl bunny named Gem and I had to use a code on the birth satificit to get her online line so stop lieing and don't use codes stay safe.
Go to the "Coffe Shop" and click the cat painting. Go to the "Pawforming Arts Center" and click the balcony on the left top. Go to the "Entrance" and click on the tree with the biggest hole on it. Go to the "Sunshine Shores Cave" and click at the bottom of the palm tree. Go to the "Theatre" and click on the Popcorn maker and you will get a new move. Go to the "SportsPlex" and click on the panda tick all the boxes and you'll get 100BB Go to the "Town Square" and click the coin on the fountain play the game and get a prize.
Guys my name is tiffey and my mum works at bab, she invented all the codes and chloe rocks and chloes passey is chloerocksbear12356 ok but STOP HACKING HER!!! There is a code where you can get everything on babv and anover code where you can get anything in the mag okey but I AM NOT TELLING TBH
Here are cheats I have used them on my own person and have also set up a second account to make sure they worked. And they all do work and are really cool prizes!!!! To enter these codes go to the bear behind the counter in the build a bear workshop in buildabearville.com then click enter web code then enter these codes!!! 28r5-urls-2009 it gives you a skateboard in the color of your choice. 6u23-ghx4-hsm3 you get a hsm3 outfit 38r5-hxnt-rud1 it gives you a kissing action 1121-yu5s-89hw it gives you unlimited time to work at coffee shop hid5-jui3-srvr lets you request your server at the coffee shop 6k92-5921-h55k lets you have unlimited friends click on the build a bear workshop go inside and click on the picture you can go on the roof
Hi I have no buildabearville cheat codes,And if you have an animal id and keycode don't put it on this website if you already used it and here's a website for new codes,and new bearville credits codes!www.bearvilleinsider.com have fun and p.s. I am a girl on buildabearville my username is naiyacub2 add me and I am going to become a vib soon and I am getting credits yeah! Me!
7572-kn4n-325k 1,000 bb free-bear-bill 500 bb your-free-gift emoticon have fun!
Hey everyone just to let us all no all these codes have expired- 24T7-5347-CH6G- Corbin Blew Poster N2FV-PQ7L-79R3- Locker BASE-BALL-1000- 1000 Bear Bills J955-K8S5-3WX9- The Honey Shake Dance EMBY-BABY-2008- I am thinking 1000 Bear Bills PEOP-BABW-2008- 1000 Bear Bills W3YH-8B45-527M- 1000 Bear Bills NGKS-BABY-2008- Explorer Hat QNCX-R625-862C- Heart Emotion JBM4-4YV3-5578- Megaphone Y226-BW25-DX63- Heart emotion QNCX-R625862C- Another heart emotion MILK-RCKS-2008- Milk Carton TK3Z-6V8PV48L- 1000 Bear Bills 7LN5-T4B5-44YH- 1000 Bear Bills J94P-WJ64-NX2K- 1000 Bear Bills
so do not try and use them and for codes go to bearvilleinsider.com got lots of codes and tips and if they don't work spending a bit of money in build a bear store will help
I need cheat codes and a bear id and key code that are not registered or used please and thankyou in need I am poor on street looking for job so please
Beach Towel 0004352 (and any four digits) y226-bw25-dx63 - the valentines day emoticon milk rcks 2008 - the milk carton ngksbabv2008 - the explorer hat J955-K8S5-3WX9 - the honey shake 7ln5-t4b5-44yh -1000 bear bills J94P-WJ64-NX2K-1000 bear bills W3YH-8B45-527M-1000 bear bills TK3Z-6V8P-V48L-1000 bear bills PEOP-BABW-2008-1000 bear bills 1 year ago
Hi everyone I am new to this site umm can I please get some bear codes I will give you back in return a beautiful party dress {only one I have} :( well please help me!
Who ever said "IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR 20,000 bear bills AND 29 credits on BUILD-A-BEARVILLE THEN I HAVE WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. So go down to buildabear workshop online then press on the bear name Champ and then click on the 4th one down and for the stuff fur stuff number put in 720341897 then on the one below that on the blank space put in 0049-160107-4735-130212 THERE you HAVE IT you WILL GET 20,000 bear bills and 29 credits" is wrong well he or she didnt put enough detail wheres champ or whatever please help because 20,000 and 29 credits would really help thx!
Hey super nice people my name is emily and I'm very cheerful my friends think that being happy all the time is stupid and so babyish. What do y'all think ?
Please answer and please new cheat codes theres always the same codes.
Hi my name is JenniferJazz49 I love playing games with "everyone" especially the girls they really play hard.ready set "special game" if you know what I mean
I have a bear id and keycode if anyone wants it. But on buildabearville can you please give me some bear bills in a trade and I promise I will give you the bear.
My name on buildabearville is: HayleyCuddles114 I am in europe and in den furry farm.
Hi I'm embubblebear on buildabearville I need more cheats for money if you`ve got any please add them I do know this code 8WBQ C675 83BF I don`t know what its for thanks for the codes and add me as a friend on buildabearville x
I have 2 free accounts if you want them. The first one is: Carriocean and the password is worm9 the second one is ajwarmheart246 and the password is andrew111 hope I helped! And you welcome!
Well a lot of the codes are here.There are some at buildabearville insider. Not a lot of codes work cause they have been expired,you micht want to type it again just to check! Hope this information helped!!! CrystalClouds220 is out!
Up until July 31st, 2011, get a $5 virtual buildabear. Theres 2 syles, but theres a really cute rabbit and a normal light brown bear. HURRY!!!! Once again its ONLY virtual so.. I'm getting one. Its an awesome deal. Trust me
I have plenty of codes so I will give you sum I am not a begger and if these don't work plez don't get mad ftm8z9v223wv 7ln5t4b544yh s3346q3265n5 I hope you like your gifts if you want to be my frend my babv name is oliviafastpaw21
Ok go to buildabearville.com if you don t have a acount make one fast the go to any den you want next let it load finally go to town square click on champ and enter this code your free gift bye!
Oh my god you guys are so dumb like dah NONE of these codes work. If you want a bear just get one at build a bear workshop. Well, heres one: Id number: 0143242465250 key code: 124436 don't blame me if it's already used. Like I said: JUST BUY A BEAR!
I don't no any codes but I do no a website www.buildabearinsider.com If anyone has codes to a leopard bear that is my cousins favorite animal and I'm going to make her a whole new account and that would just make her day. A fresh account with a leopard build a bear since she has never had a account on build a bear ville and she always wanted a account if you can't find one I guess I will have to go to a local build a bear workshop for one so bye and I hope you find a code for a leopard that works and it hasn't been registered bye people.
buildabearvilleblog.wordpress.com/codes/ Go here. Theres the Bearmey Emoticon code there and it has a cute little Bearmey thing AND one thusand bearvills! Itt has not expired for 2010 april so go ahead and try it! I'm lolabighugs23 on BABV.
Ok here is a some that I purchesd from build a bear workshop. 03452673392=animal ID 11137=keycode 4 a hello kitty 04527618875=animal ID 11131=keycode 4 a black bear 06275339987=animal ID 11178=keycode 4 a unicorn 0577824351=animal ID 11184=keycode for a brown bear hope it works THANX
And it is fair, I got my bear by going to a build-a-bear party!! When your friend or classmate or whoever you know is going to a party at build-a-bear and they invite you or say anyone can go, GO!!! YOU GET TO HAVE A BEAR FOR FREE!! Well the birthday girl/boy's parent has to pay.... LOL
It's way worth going to a build-a-bear party!! PLEASE STOP ASKING FOR A ANIMAL CODE BECAUSE THERE ISN'T ONE!
The code for a frog named "polly" is the ID number is 0143910055884 and the key code is 123037 the code for the bear named "daisy" is the ID number is 0143760462492 and the key code is 171441
that is all I will give you for now (I have 20 bears and codes!)
IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR 20,000 bear bills AND 29 credits on BUILD-A-BEARVILLE THEN I HAVE WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. So go down to buildabear workshop online then press on the bear name Champ and then click on the 4th one down and for the stuff fur stuff number put in 720341897 then on the one below that on the blank space put in 0049-160107-4735-130212 THERE you HAVE IT you WILL GET 20,000 bear bills and 29 credits
Here is 10,000 bear bills and a ride of your choice d43mr2583948 and vrdzm8p8g454 here is a Jack russell and a monkey too JR 0143110687526 KC 202537 monkey 0000033020598 KC 202451 I already used them though but ask me to b your friend I already have 155 but here is my BAB name selenaallheart517 so just ask plz do it 4 BABV buildabearville.com
All right. You got me. Here are some animal codes but I will not tell you what animal they are. 456953501415 462564 585548585584 464645 454778310425 623211 552144777785 445412 427335675413 224335 532014778351 220145 231025841123 125436 524316754312 320104 524376124356 255254 754325015400 564358 213467543125 545574
I have a lot of Build-A-Bears but I am way to old to play online. I have looked on this website and watched people scream and yell and fuss, and now I have decided to give yall some codes. I got these bears at the age of 7. I am now 38.
You have to buy the brown sugar puppy in order to have the puppy imoticon. Ps. The majority of the codes that hiediesunny gave did not work. Sorry! Love,hugs,peace, your bff, cj