Yes you can just 1. Google saerch pokemon card maker. 2.clike on the first one. 3.saerch the internet for a picture then save the picture and clik on there pokemon card on da web site and the pic will come up. 4.yuo priitning out
Yes you can make your own pokemon card. All you need to do is, 1. Type make your own pokemon card and search the internet. 2. Then click design and print your own pokemon card. 3. Start designing your pokemon cards moves and resistances and its name. 4. To get a picture all you need to do is go to google images and JP-EG a JP-EG picture of the pokemon you want, then save it to your desktop and go back to the website ( its best if you open a new tab to get your picture ). 5. On the website go onto the box under the name and click on the button that says BROWSE then go onto desktop and click the JP-EG picture you chose, this will put your picture on the card. 6. After that click copy on the card ,using the right button on your mouse, and paste it onto word 2000,2001, 2002 up to 2007. The size of the card needs to be hight : 8.8 cm width : 6.3 cm and then print this off and glue it to another card that you have two of , or if you don't have any of the same just use a rubbish one. And there you have it , your own pokemon card.