
Who Was Known As The Father Of The Computer?


3 Answers

Amen Bukhari Profile
Amen Bukhari answered
Charles Babbage was English Mathematician and professor of the University of Cambridge in early 19th century. He is also known as father of computers because he gave the idea of modern computer. In 1988 Charles Babbage designed a machine that computed mathematical tables and complex arithmetic operations. This machine was known as Difference Engine. Difference Engine mainly consist of 3 parts; Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), Control Unit (CU) and Memory Unit (MU).He made lots of efforts and resources to take out accurate results but due to lack of advance technology accurate part of this engine could not made.

So Charles Babbage lost interest and stopped working on Difference Engine and started working on his lifetime project in building a new machine. In 1833-34 he made machine know as Analytical Engine. Analytical Engine was considered the first computer of the world. This machine introduced the idea of computing numbers that is still in use. Analytical Computer consists of storage area and mill similar to today's memory and processor. He visualized the computer to be constructed with brass fittings and powered by steam. But unfortunately this machine could not build. Due to lack of funds and resources the computer who gave the idea of modern computer could not be made. Both machines made by Charles Babbage performed all arithmetic calculations and could store memory up to 20 decimals.
Ramesh Kumar Profile
Ramesh Kumar answered
The Father of computers is Charles Babbage. Because he invented the computer and its workings. Later so many of them have designed the programs but the father of the computer is Charles Babage.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Charles Babbage, an English mathematician and mechanical engineer, is referred to as the father of computer. He invented the idea of a counting machine which he realised by building a difference engine. This was a special-purpose mechanical digital calculator, designed to tabulate polynomial functions. Babbage rediscovered the difference engine, first conceived in 1786 by J.H. Müller, but never built. This gave the idea of a programmable computer for the first time.

The difference engine, which he started constructing in 1822, was the first mechanical computer. The difference engine was created to calculate a series of values automatically. By using the method of finite differences, it was possible to avoid the need for multiplication and division. Babbage could not make a perfectly working difference engine because of financial constraints and other problems.

Soon after the attempted failure at making the difference engine, Babbage started designing a different, more complex machine called the Analytical Engine. In 1824, Babbage won the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society "for his invention of an engine for calculating mathematical and astronomical tables".

In 1991, working from Babbage's original plans, a difference engine was completed, and functioned perfectly.

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