The full name of PHP is PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. This is the only Open Source Scripting language in the world. You can also speak it Scripting language. It is used in web site designing. This is a SERVER scripting programming language. Because it executes in the language server. It also contains code like c, c ++ and java. The code or program is executed inside the computer. It is said that php language is used to create this website. That's why they also speak web-based programming language.
You can use this language in free It's a powerful language to run the blogging platform. Just like you have to hear the name of wordpress, which has been designed from this language. The wordpress platform is operated by big brands of the world.
PHP Installation
Introduction to XAMPP
Installing XAMPP
There is no need of special software to execute HTML webpage. You simply write HTML code and save it with .html extension. After this, as soon as you open that file, your code gets executed and it shows in the form of a web page. But this is not so with PHP.
PHP is a scripting language that provides the ability to implement logic in web pages. Like any other programming language, PHP also provides object oriented programming features. Therefore, to execute PHP scripts, you need a PHP interpreter.
Because PHP is a server side scripting language, a server is also required to execute PHP scripts. PHP scripts can not be executed without the server. Apache is the most common server to use for learning development in PHP.
If you are creating a database application (for storing data) then you also need a DBMS such as MySQL.
If you want to configure PHP, MySQL and Apache server, you can configure it separately. But you do not have to do this. XAMPP package has been provided by Apache Friends for easy development in PHP.
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What is XAMPP ? XAMPP is a free, open source web server solution package. It has been developed by Apache Friends. There is mainly Apache HTTP Server, MySQL Database and PHP interpreter files available. XAMPP is a cross platform package. It is available for all major platforms.
After installing XAMPP, you do not need to install any other software. This is a complete package for PHP development. When you install XAMPP, your computer automatically installs other services such as PHP, Apache Server and MySQL.