How Does A Walkie-talkie Work?


5 Answers

Joe McHugh Profile
Joe McHugh answered
A walkie-talkie is a hand-held portable radio device that communicates its information via radio waves sent over a shared frequency. This frequency is called a channel, and these channels are half-duplex, which means that you can only connect to them in one direction at a time. If you're using your walkie-talkie's microphone for example, you can't receive any audio. Likewise, if you're using your walkie-talkie to listen to a channel, you can't send a message.

When you speak into a walkie-talkie, the sound of your voice is transmitted to any nearby receiving devices - other walkie-talkies or one-way radios - that are tuned into the same channel that you're using. These channels are free for anyone to access so you can use them whenever you wish. Multiple people can even use their walkie-talkies to communicate over the same channel at the same time, which is why they're often used at outdoor public events. Of course, this also means that most channels aren't secure.

At maximum, walkie-talkies can communicate with each other over an approximate range of 3 kilometres. However, this is only true when there's nothing obstructing the radio waves as they're being transmitted from or received by your device. Walkie-talkies aren't ideal for use in cities or anywhere there's a large number of buildings for this reason.

Naturally, using a walkie-talkie indoors is also problematic. Depending on the thickness and density of the building's walls, it could even prove impossible for people to communicate when one or more of them are indoors. Unfortunately, walkie-talkies do not give reads on how well they can transmit and receive radio waves, so testing their effectiveness in certain areas and over certain distances is an exercise in trial and error.

Those are the main details. A more in-depth summary would require expansion on how radio waves and channels work on a more technical level. If you're still not sure of how a walkie-talkie works, they you might want to begin there.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The answer to the question "How does a walkie talkie work?" is not "You turn on the 'mode, switch." The question means: How is a voice signal sent through the air and received by person with a receiver? In other words, do you need some kind of network operating (from cell towers or wi-fi) or does a walkie talkie transmit a signal on its own? Do the new cell phones that come with walkie talkies require a network to use the walkie talkie feature, on not? Isn't the whole idea of a walkie talkie that you don't need a network; you can communicate up to a few miles when you are out in the boonies where there are no networks?
Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
A walkie-talkie is a two-way radio transceiver. It is hand-held and portable and was originally developed for use in the military. It has a half-duplex channel. In other words, only one radio transmits at a time. The downside of using a walkie-talkie is that a lot of people can listen (unlike a mobile phone, on which it is possible to have a private conversation.)

The transmission commences when the push-to-talk switch is pressed. A typical walkie-talkie looks like the handset of a telephone. The antenna of a walkie-talkie sticks out of the top. A walkie-talkie has a built-in speaker which can be heard by the user himself or herself and other people in the immediate vicinity of the user. Hand-held transceivers are used either to communicate between two walkie-talkies or vehicle-mounted stations or base stations.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A walkie talkie works by  pressing mode to turn it do you make a walkie talkie work if you bought it from toys r us?it is hard to find a menu in a paper together.How do you open a hard plastic thing that is so hard?By using a can opener.if you don't believe us that means you do not believe the person who said that.make sure when you plug the charger in you have to have a grown up with you. Do not put dums down on me or Else you dums believe in god.

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