
How Do You Hook Up A Sega Genesis?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First, locate the Coaxial cord. This provides video and audio. Put one end into the Sega Genesis. The next step depends on if your antenna goes to your DVD/VCR player, or if it goes directly to the TV. If it goes to the TV, remove the antenna cord in the back, and put in the Sega Genesis cord. They should be the same kind. If it runs through the DVD/VCR player, do the same to the antenna cord running through the DVD/VCR. Now, take the removed antenna cord and put it into the little box on the Sega cord. Make sure the switch is on channel three. If you used the DVD/VCR player, change the DVD/VCR to channel three. If you used the TV, change the TV to channel three. Insert the power cord, and make sure it is safely into the wall outlet. Put in a cartridge, and turn on the Sega Genesis.

Priya, you shouldn't have answered if you don't know how to do this. It makes the question put in the category of "Answered," and is a waste of space. You also include immaterial information that is irrelevant, and used to make your answer sound intelligent. I also looked at a few more of your answers in you profile and most of them are duds. Find a new hobby, thank you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
IF YOUR ANTENNA RUNS DIRECTLY TO THE TV...First, take the Sega Genesis/Coaxial cord, and insert the correct end into the Genesis.Find a small receiving end that says "Antenna In" on your TV. Put the other end here (the other end looks like this: /><br />There should be an antenna coaxial cord in your way. Remove it, and insert it into the receiver on the Sega Genesis/Coaxial cord that says "Antenna."Take the power cord.It should be obvious how to set this up.Turn down the TV volume all the way, unless it has a static frequency blocker (which silences noise when the channel is completely fuzzy).Change it to channel 3. You may need to use the remote.Turn on the Sega Genesis by hitting power. If the screen does not turn black, and is still fuzzy, go to the cord and switch it from channel four to channel three.This should work.IF YOUR ANTENNA RUNS THROUGH A DVD/VCR BOX TO THE TV...First, take the Sega Genesis/Coaxial cord, and insert the correct end into the Genesis.Remove the antenna cord plugged into the DVD/VCR player, and replace it with the Sega Genesis cord.Insert the antenna cord into the Sega Genesis video Coaxial cord box.Take the power cord.It should be obvious how to set this up.Turn down the TV volume all the way, unless it has a static frequency blocker (which silences noise when the channel is completely fuzzy).Change it to channel 3. You may need to use the remote.Turn on the Sega Genesis by hitting power. If the screen does not turn black, and is still fuzzy, go to the cord and switch it from channel four to channel three.This should work.
Lakshmipriya Nair Profile
Sega Genesis is the name of a video game console released by Sega in Japan in 1988 under the name Sega Mega Drive. It became Sega Genesis in North America. It was very successful in Brazil and Europe. It was released at a time when Nintendo had a virtual monopoly on home consoles. Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis were the two great video games at that time.

I would be unable to give you the exact technique to hook up a Sega Genesis. Your safest bet is to check out various popular gaming books and magazines or surf through the different gaming websites on the internet. These sources would help you in hooking up a Sega genesis. These websites are quite easy and user friendly so you would not have much trouble in comprehending the instructions and acting on them.

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