
How Do I Check My Computer History Back From A Certain Date?


3 Answers

Michael Irwin Profile
Michael Irwin answered
The history that the person was referring to is probably the browsing history in Internet Explorer. This will only show you what websites your computer has accessed. If someone knows what they are doing, this "history" is easily erased and will not show the information you are looking for.
Unless you have installed specific monitoring software, it is almost impossible to see what has been written in text messages, internet forms, word processors, etc.
Ricky neck Profile
Ricky neck answered
If you want to show Internet browsing history in previous date then you can open internet explorer
Click on History Icon or Ctrl+H key of the keyboard. A search windows will appear on the left hand side. You can search all previous history.

If you want to show computer history then click on Start> My recent documents.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's very simple, you can find the History button in Explorer toolbar.
Just click that button and saw the history at left side frame.

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