Wake County NC has set aside centres where residents can have their electronic waste recycled for free of cost. The recycling centre is located at the North Wake Multi-Material Recycling facility whose address is 9029 Depanie Drive in Raleigh, between 8am and 4 pm from Mondays to Saturdays. For the South of Wake the facility is known as the South Wake Multi-Material Recycling facility located at 6000 Old Smithfield Road, Apex. The waste can includes many of a number of items including electronics, computer equipment and office equipment. It can include anything from answering machines, stereos, microwave ovens, radios, telephones, DVDs, CDs, TVs, central processing units, laptops, monitors, ink cartridges, hard disks, and power supplies to cell phones, fax machines and typewriters.
These wastes do not in any way constitute hazardous waste for which a separate set of guidelines have been issued.
These wastes do not in any way constitute hazardous waste for which a separate set of guidelines have been issued.