The use of computers allows a business to multitask a number of highly complex activities at once. The computer’s use as a multimedia tool gives a business the freedom to be more independent. The computer’s ability to run complicated software such as databases and accountancy programs eliminates the need for outsourcing by allowing staff to handle jobs that otherwise would have been assigned to external parties. This means that the business can become more efficient and in-house.
Computers also have a cost-effective benefit on businesses. With more and more emerging innovations, there is a wider range of affordable technology. This can help companies cut costs in both the staff payroll and office equipment. Software such as emails allows a business to decrease postage costs, video conference calls reduce travels costs, accountancy software can even reduce the price of employing an accountancy department.
Small community social networks that are set up on a business’ computer system can link up with regional and national ones easily. This allows a company to have an increased access the globalised market and helps keep the market up-to-date and allows for word-of-mouth marketing.
With such a large range of software available to businesses, there are plenty of ways that a company can use computers to keep track of files, deadlines and events. Computers can be used to organise a business’ information in a way that is inexpensive, takes up little space and is easy to retrieve. This easier ability to organise helps a company have better time management.