
Distinguish Between Data Encapsulation And Data Abstraction?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Encapsulation is binding the data between method and data.

Data-abstraction is hiding the information from users.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The wrapping up of data and methods into a single unit is called as encapsulation.
Abstraction means, in the base class we have to declare and the derived class we have to initialize the values
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Encapsulation is ability to use language freely and it different in data abstraction in programming
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Encapsulation is the wrapping or combining of data and function the single unit .but data abstraction is to abstract the data
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Class as which are used only for deriving other classes are called abstraction base class.
Pratik Borkar Profile
Pratik Borkar answered
Actually, abstraction means applying access modifiers on various class members(public, default, protected, private), whereas encapsulation means accumulating or gathering class members in a single object.

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