Encapsulation is a powerful concept available ic c++.To understand this concept let's take a example of bank Scenario.
Without encapsulation: It is very difficult job for us to manage the account details of the account holders,here each account needs to be maintained seperatly.
With encapsulation: You can bind the account deatils inside a single unit called class Bankaccount and by creating the instance of the class you can maintain the multiple acoount .
It also provides the security by using access specifier.So we can claim that it provides data hiding and data binding features.
Another Definition: Hiding the implementation part from the users is called encapsulation
Without encapsulation: It is very difficult job for us to manage the account details of the account holders,here each account needs to be maintained seperatly.
With encapsulation: You can bind the account deatils inside a single unit called class Bankaccount and by creating the instance of the class you can maintain the multiple acoount .
It also provides the security by using access specifier.So we can claim that it provides data hiding and data binding features.
Another Definition: Hiding the implementation part from the users is called encapsulation