I tried everything-even the 10000000 elite4 thing NOTHING WORKED you all lied you should be ashamed, I NEED HELP I WANT MEW SO BAD AND I DON'T WANT TO CHEAT I NEED ANSWERS NOT LIES DON'T LIE I'M SICK OF LIES I JUST WANT MEW!
No matter how many times you beat the elite four nothing will happen that is there way of getting you to waste your time
You people actually wrote paragraphs of lies. All you have to do is ask the creators of the game. They don't care it's an old game.
You can not get Mew with out cheating
I haven't tired all of them yet, )specially the 100000 time thing) Most of them don't work, the one I have seen more repetitively is the 12x elite4, I shall start trying that and tell you guys.
Beat elite 4 12 times then go to cerulean cave and go to the spot where mewtwo is caught. (Mewtwo MUST BE CAUGHT OR DEFEATED) run back and forth a few times and mew should appear. Mew is VERY hard to catch but its really worth it knowing that mew can learn every attack!
This is for the idiots at the bottom of page saying you can breed legendaries!
This IS a lie!
Of completed every pokemon game and in that time there are only 2 legendaries you can breed:
heatran boy+ditto=heatran heatran girl+male heatran=baby heatran...aaawww
This IS a lie!
Of completed every pokemon game and in that time there are only 2 legendaries you can breed:
heatran boy+ditto=heatran heatran girl+male heatran=baby heatran...aaawww
Its only an event pokemon so action replays your only hope....
No idea I caught mew2 went to the cave where you find it and mew just isn't there
I'm tottaly with one of the guests I need mew soooo badly plz quite lieng and someone give me a answer!
Alright everyone thank you for those hilarious ways of catching mew. I'm sure you tricked someone and I hope wasting people's time makes you laugh.
Here is how to get a Mew that obeys you on Leaf Green. You will need a Gameshark and an Action Replay. They don't cost much, you can ask your parents for the money, get them as a gift, do some chores for them, ect. You will also need to borrow a friends Gameboy and his wireless adapter, or buy a second Gameboy and wireless adapter.The last things you will need are, a Pokemon Emerald game cartridge and a second Leaf Green or Fire Red cartridge. The second cartriges are not needed but I do recommend using them if you want to play most of the game without cheating, because as you can tell from some of thje devices you will be using, we will be cheating. Now here is where the fun begins.
Normally, when you use cheats the find mew in the wild, we will not obey you and he cannot be used in a fight. If this does not matter to you, then there is no need to read any more, you just need to get a code for finding a wild mew. Instead, you will need to get him from the place he is supposed to be caught, Faraway Island. To get there, you will need a code to teleport to Faraway island, and a code to get a Master Ball. Catch mew on Faraway Island. Next you will need a code to get each of the badges. Use all the codes to get all the badges. This will allow you to enter the Elite Four. Teleport or fly with a bird pokemon to the city next to Victory Road and enter the Elite Four. I would suggest catching a few other pokemon before doing any of this, and then using the cheat to get al of their stats to 999. Once you beat the Elite Four, you must teleport using cheats, or fly with a bird pokemon back to Professor Oak. Before speaking to him, use a cheat to fill up your pokedex. Now that you have a full pokedex and have beaten the Elite Four when you talk to Professor Oak, he will give you the National pokedex. This will allow you to trade mew to Fire Red or Leaf Green.
Here is where the other game comes in. You will need to use cheats on your second version of Fire Red or Leaf Green to teleport to the first 3 Islands (I think its these) to get the Ruby and the Sapphire, cheating to get them won't work, the game can't tell you got them. You will need to complete whatever tasks you need to to get these. If you don't already know how, there are plenty of YouTube and Google tutorials and Walkthroughs on how to do this, so there is no need for me to explain this part.
Now that you are able to trade from Leaf Green to Emerald and Emerald to Leaf Green it is time to head to a Pokemon Center to do so. Trade a pokemon you don't like or catch one you don't need and trade it to Leaf Green for the mew. The whole process may take a few tries since the Gameshark and Action Replay MAY CAUSE YOUR GAME FILE TO BE LOST DUE TO CORRUPTION, so I recommend that you use a second copy of Leaf Green or Fire Red in case this happens. Be persistant, and once you get it to work, be happy. If you have any questions, comments, confusion, or just want to thank me you can email me at kyle@provencher.org. Happy Hunting
Here is how to get a Mew that obeys you on Leaf Green. You will need a Gameshark and an Action Replay. They don't cost much, you can ask your parents for the money, get them as a gift, do some chores for them, ect. You will also need to borrow a friends Gameboy and his wireless adapter, or buy a second Gameboy and wireless adapter.The last things you will need are, a Pokemon Emerald game cartridge and a second Leaf Green or Fire Red cartridge. The second cartriges are not needed but I do recommend using them if you want to play most of the game without cheating, because as you can tell from some of thje devices you will be using, we will be cheating. Now here is where the fun begins.
Normally, when you use cheats the find mew in the wild, we will not obey you and he cannot be used in a fight. If this does not matter to you, then there is no need to read any more, you just need to get a code for finding a wild mew. Instead, you will need to get him from the place he is supposed to be caught, Faraway Island. To get there, you will need a code to teleport to Faraway island, and a code to get a Master Ball. Catch mew on Faraway Island. Next you will need a code to get each of the badges. Use all the codes to get all the badges. This will allow you to enter the Elite Four. Teleport or fly with a bird pokemon to the city next to Victory Road and enter the Elite Four. I would suggest catching a few other pokemon before doing any of this, and then using the cheat to get al of their stats to 999. Once you beat the Elite Four, you must teleport using cheats, or fly with a bird pokemon back to Professor Oak. Before speaking to him, use a cheat to fill up your pokedex. Now that you have a full pokedex and have beaten the Elite Four when you talk to Professor Oak, he will give you the National pokedex. This will allow you to trade mew to Fire Red or Leaf Green.
Here is where the other game comes in. You will need to use cheats on your second version of Fire Red or Leaf Green to teleport to the first 3 Islands (I think its these) to get the Ruby and the Sapphire, cheating to get them won't work, the game can't tell you got them. You will need to complete whatever tasks you need to to get these. If you don't already know how, there are plenty of YouTube and Google tutorials and Walkthroughs on how to do this, so there is no need for me to explain this part.
Now that you are able to trade from Leaf Green to Emerald and Emerald to Leaf Green it is time to head to a Pokemon Center to do so. Trade a pokemon you don't like or catch one you don't need and trade it to Leaf Green for the mew. The whole process may take a few tries since the Gameshark and Action Replay MAY CAUSE YOUR GAME FILE TO BE LOST DUE TO CORRUPTION, so I recommend that you use a second copy of Leaf Green or Fire Red in case this happens. Be persistant, and once you get it to work, be happy. If you have any questions, comments, confusion, or just want to thank me you can email me at kyle@provencher.org. Happy Hunting
1st thing is after you beat the elite 4, 20 times, you must talk to prof oak.( note: You must atleast get the half of national dex pokemons ) you must find one of prof oaks aides in route 2,(the other one aides that talked to you from vermillion,near the pokemon centre to the right, after you've catch a 60 pokemons from kanto) you must find him, beause that aides likes to hide, I saw him near trees near the house this aides changes his location, so its hard to find like that mew, you can't actually see him there, but I walked there for 10 minutes, then I saw him, he will give you a permission to surf at the side of port in vermillion city, then after you get in, surf at the right side of bridge, the you will see another bridge that has a parking truck, go there ,walk around on that bridge , then after few more minutes, you will able to move that truck using the strength ,(note: If youre going on that, you must prepare a 1 master ball, because its hard to catch that freakin' mew, you also you must bring all pokemon that knows all the HM) after you move that boulder,somewhere inside the truck are hiding mew,just go around on that truck for a few more minutes, then you will see mew lvl 50 there,mew actually don't fight, unless you use sleep powder,that's why you catch it with a master ball, because it flees, I've tried it, and it works, finally I catched mew without a cheat, I knew it because I have red more suggestion ,comments, and formations, but I'm the one only who did that actually,, I surprisingly guessed that thing.and it really works, so just want to share my knowledge to you guys...hope it help you
Go out of the underground tunnel(lavender) and when you are about to battle the person pause the game and fly to cerulean battle the first youngster he must walk up to you then fly back to lavender and walk out of the town to the underground place out of the town you'll find mew lv7
Guys stop time wasting I need mew it my fave pokemon I have no wireless adapter or action replay or gameshark so if the is a possible way for me to get mew in pokemon leaf green plz tell me and plz don't waste any more time coz its not just me thats sick of it adam out.
In order to catch mew, you will have to first beat the elite four 12 times. You have to go in the cave near Indigo plateau called Victory road. Just walk around for a while and he will eventually appear. I travelled for about 30 minutes because he is so rare.
Lol I told my friends that have pokemon yellow version he say that he use cheat in pokemon yellow to get mew he say that compatible in leafgreen that he use cheat in pokemon yellow but I don't yet the cheat I ask him and I tell to you the cheat ^_^ XD
This is how I got my lvl 70 mew get right up to mewtwo save then fight him catch him but not with masterball take 1 step back go back to the spot mewtwo was in press A and mew will apear use youre masterball or mew will flee this actually works
To catch mew you need to do this beat the elite 4 12 times go to victory road pass the whole thing with out fainting and go back 2 times and then you you must catch an onix lvl 52 and round in araound 4 times and you find mew
To catch mewtwo first defeat the elite four then
get the 2 rocks called rubt and saphire and
bring them to Celio and after go to Cerulean
City and go to rute 24 and theres water
in the white side surf until you get to a cave
and follow a path til you get to mewtwo
get the 2 rocks called rubt and saphire and
bring them to Celio and after go to Cerulean
City and go to rute 24 and theres water
in the white side surf until you get to a cave
and follow a path til you get to mewtwo
I don't know how to get mew but on dimond and the other game like it you can do mystery gift and go to the pokemart in the fight area there will be a dude in green clouths and he will give you a rigigiggas in a cherish ball lvl 100
First the truck thing dose not work I wated a month for my friend to trade me a pokemon that noes cut then I got far anof to get surf and stranth I tried stranth on the truck and it dose not work whrite now I'm triing to beat the elit4 12 times to see if it works
Wow guys you are so cool
You need to catch mewtwo and breed it with a ditto
It is called jirachi and it says how to catch mew not mewtwo
Buy an action replay
Trade it from emerald
Trading it
You can't retards
Dolts nothing works you bunch of losers
I need to catch Mew for pokemon Leaf green.
Catch it before you face your rival on the ss anne
You can`t breed legendaries
Get the two stones called ruby and sapphire.
Go to the cerulean then to the cave
pass the maze and you will find mewtwo!
Go to the cerulean then to the cave
pass the maze and you will find mewtwo!
Just beat the elite4 1,000,000 times and mew will appear wild on the cerulean cave with Selebi and Karachi.
THE IDEA of waiting to get cut and using surf works, but only in red and blue. In the new ones you can't move the truck, I know from experience. You have to trade it from emerald.
I have no Idea, but your all STUPID this is for LEAF GREEN not yellow, blue, or any of the colors. Just LEAF GREEN
It's a event only pokemon so your only hope is to buy a gameshark or a action replay sorry
Your so wrong non of those things work I did all of them except 1000000 battle with elite 4 that is stupid
Trade mewtwo to ruby sapphire or emerald and go to spear pillar with mewtwo and trade back
You go to saffron city talk to every body twice than go to pallet town and go into the grass and the first pokemon will be a gold mew
Are you all really that stupid you can catch mew by beating the elite 4 12 times I know because I did
You need to use a pass obtained in a mystery gift wi-fi event, then take a boat to Faraway Island. Basically you can't get him anymore.
(This is for soul silver) You beat the elite 4 12 times go to saffron take the SS. To the canto and go to the first grass patch and there will be a shiny mew
Serious Answer Dude.
Complete all the pokemon in the japanese version of pokemon red(not FireRed) just red.
Then go to the development area in the (don't know what town).
Then he will give mew as a reward for completing it.
Complete all the pokemon in the japanese version of pokemon red(not FireRed) just red.
Then go to the development area in the (don't know what town).
Then he will give mew as a reward for completing it.
You need 2 beat the eleite 4 25 times and mew will appear in professer oak's lab at lv.87
You must talk to brock 100 times with only mewtwo then go to safari zon and he will appear when you got out
To get mew catch mewtwo breed mewtwo with another legandary pokemon and then hatch the egg I will be a mew
I have 6 mews now :)
I have 6 mews now :)
Shut up and look on youtube there is a vid about how to catch mew I havw mew on yellow trust me youtube is your second friend next to google if you don't see it then search it on google so quit whine in and check youtube
Beat E4 12x go to curlean cave get mew go to VR celebi will appear
Lols at these answers xD!!!
Jirachi is a trade, through gamecube game: Pokemon Coliseum( the one with the special disk addition.)
Deoxy in leafgreen can only be caught when you have gotten the aurora ticket from a nintendo event which has already passed =/
For mew and celebi...eh.
Jirachi is a trade, through gamecube game: Pokemon Coliseum( the one with the special disk addition.)
Deoxy in leafgreen can only be caught when you have gotten the aurora ticket from a nintendo event which has already passed =/
For mew and celebi...eh.
There is only one way, poliwhirl trainer you need to press start at you're facing trainer then teleport and mew will be there
Breed mewtwo w/ meowth and when the egg hatch you will be surprice b'cpz its mew^_^
This doesn't go for Fire Red or Leaf Green, but it works on Yellow and I'm assuming Red and Blue, and you can do it with one badge! After you go through Mt. Moon and into Cerulean City, defeat Gary and all the people on Golden Bridge. There's a guy in the grass to the right, DON'T defeat him yet, instead, continue to the right and battle whomever you wish EXCLUDING the guy with the level 17 Slowpoke. Talk to Bill and go to Route 5, there you need to catch a Abra because it knows Teleport (it's easier to catch it if someone in your party puts it to sleep like a higher leveled Butterfree). Once that's all said and done, act like you're walking back to Bill and this time, turn left to the guy in the grass. Right before the battle you might want to save in case you mess up, walk up to him and pause before he sees you, then use Teleport (the first time walk up to him, the square you get stopped on when he sees you is the square you teleport on). It will take you to Cerulean City, notice that your pause screen doesn't work now.. Finally, go to the kid with the Slowpoke and battle him, after the battle, teleport again. You're just about to get Mew now! The last step is to walk not even half way up the Golden Bridge and a random battle will occur, it's a level 7 Mew. It wasn't SUPER hard to catch, but it was annoying, using sleep helps so I would recommend getting one in the beginning of the game (Veridian Forest). Hope that helps!
OK THIS IS HOW just before you beat the thunder gym you need cut but to get it you need to get on and off the ship but heres a trick when you get cut go face a trainer then make your pokemon faint then the ship stays there and you have cut carry on with the game till you have surf and the van keys after that you go back to the ship BUT don't enter the actual ship theres a bit you can surf on right before the ship you surf on it until you find a dead end with a bit you can go on, there you will see a van use the keys then the van will move... Under the van is mew LVL one I reccomend ratatat or master ball or put the thing to sleep.... I HOPE THIS HELPS USED TO DO IT ON YELLOW ALL THE TIME
You are all wrong!! First you get a beedrill, at lvl 59. And you have yo make it so it has 1 exp to level to 60, then with that beedrill beat the elite for 19832 times, (I know its hard) then after that go outside the elite four and run up in to the cave, and back in to the elite four place, about 155 times, then you go and buy a ultra ball from the mart in saffron city, then fly to pallet town, and walk ten steps to left 23 down,ten right, then release you starter. Go down and catch a tengela at that little grass. Then fly the the game corner place, buy 100,000 coins, and then spent all of them on the games, after this got to one island, and walk to celio talk to him 1028392 times then go to the top of mount ember, release the tengela you caught and athen make to the bottom of mt ember in less then 50 second, THIS IS IMPORTANT!!! You must fly to pallet town , ( get a full good party) and walk into your house.MEW will have you mother hostige, you must use 90 pokeballs, and then a master ball, if this is not excact you will not catch him because he dodges the master ball! This work I have done it!
You guys are all retarded I mean honestly, on all of these games you CANNOT catch a mew except via gameshark action replay, nintendo event. And even then the eve t only works on emerald!!!!! I mean I'm more desperate than any of you to get mew coz he rocks but guess what the rest of you *beep* should get lives and stop creating these fake fantasies because you men and your boyfriends thought it would be funny. Now run away pansies and stop irritating everyone!!! Fruitcakes!!!!
1st you go to cerulean city you face all the trainers on the bridge then the guy on the right on the grass moves up and down when he moves down you walk close to him then get your abra to use teleport he should see you but you fly away then go all the way up the bridge to bills and there should be a couple next to the water talk to the boy and then use teleport again then when you go to the bridge for a 3rd time you will be attacked by mew
These are all lies!!!! Where do you people even come up with this stuff any ways!?!?!?! The only way to get mew was by getting the old sea chart from special event to go to faraway island, but now thats over, the only real way to get it is by trading it with somebody who has it! Or by cheating, my cousin gave me a shiny deoxys Lv. 100 , I don't know how tough, he took my ds dissapeared for a while, came back and there was the deoxys, OT: Raiku Trainer Number:00000 weird...
In order to catch Mewtwo, first one must defeat the elite four and then get the sapphire and the ruby and then hand it to Celio. Then go to the island with the brail cave. Using the brail booklet, enter the entrance door reading 'use cut'. Follow the direction that is given.to get the sapphire, you must beat everyone in the Rocket Warehouse. Fly to Cerulean city and go inside the Cerulean Cave. Go through the maze and find Mewtwo. He is very tough to catch, but it's worth the effort. Of course, it won't be hard to catch him with the Master Ball if you have managed to save it. If not keep attempting and you might ultimately catch him. He knows Psychic, Recover, Barrier and Swift.
The way to catch mew is you have to beat all the gym's BUT NOT THE ELITE FOUR, you go through victory road and enter the elite four and heal your pokemon! Next walk out of the elite four and fly to pallet town. Go inside and talk to bill.(I'm not sure if this step is necessary but thats how I did it) next walk to the place where you need all the badges to get to victory road. Walk through all the gates enter victory road and walk to the end run around the floor where the exit is. Finally a mew will appear BUT ...
You catch different pokemon depending on your starter pokemon
hope this helped !
You catch different pokemon depending on your starter pokemon
hope this helped !
You can't but in pokemon emerald you can they say you use a game shark but that dosent work and it is hard to find they don't sell them aneymore! But you could have gone to a special event but they are outdated sorrey the game shark you can use but they made the action replay becuse it is hard to use a game shark.
Release all your pokemon casing casing after casing casing
I don't know but I heard that after you get mew bet the elite4 12 times and Selebi will appear in the wild I n cerulean cave.
First you fly to saffron city go to safari zone then catch a chansey evolve chanse to blissey, wich will be pretty hard by the way, after that go to cinnibar island with blissey in the last slot of your party,,, then the exiting part!!! Surf east going exactly straight till you hit somthing anything then surf back to cinnibar go talk to blain 3 times ( after beating him) then go back outside fly to cerilean cave walk around abot a minut with a level 60 in first slot till mew comes out! I did this 5 times so belive me it works!
Ok there is a way to get mew first you must sell it crack and get high with it then make it pancakes with a side of sausage MAKE SURE THERE GOOD PANCAKES!!!!! -.- you can't get mew... -.-
Get 151 pokemon then go to the game desiner in the celidon city go to the place you got the tea go up to floor 3 and you get mew at level 7
Do you want to duplicate your pokemon or your item? Well this really work.
First make your pokemon ( the one you want to duplicate ) hold the item. Deposit it in the box where it is only solo. Then save the game, when saving press this a+b+select+start at the same time.
Remember while saving. Then turn it on then there you have it. To pokemon.
First make your pokemon ( the one you want to duplicate ) hold the item. Deposit it in the box where it is only solo. Then save the game, when saving press this a+b+select+start at the same time.
Remember while saving. Then turn it on then there you have it. To pokemon.
All I know is to defeat the elite four.beat it like 45 times probably.get mew two.and use the mew cheat that you use on yellow.OR!use the defeat cheat.OR!there is a cheat were you get an abra and nickname it mew and you do somthing and it turns into mew.thats all I know.
You need to have 2 leefgreen or 2 firered and beat 1 game and trade a pokemon that knows cut and don't go on the boat keep going until you have surf and go to the boat but don't get on look to your rite and use surf keep going until you see a truck and you need strength use it on the bolders then on the truck and mew will be there! LV.1-100
Getting mew is easy all you have to do is drive to an arizona desert on the summer solstice turn on your gameboy hold it up and watch the cosmic energies flow into the gameboy. Once it begins to glow gold head to professor oaks lab and enter. Mew will appear and burn it to the ground and have anal sex with the corpse's then he will battle you. Use a great ball and catch him. Its SOOOOO easy DUH!