Did you know that there are "Copy and Paste" and Copy Link Address videos on You Tube for Android and other mobile devices?


4 Answers

HappyTo BeHereTo Profile

They're handy tutorials!  I wish I'd known about them a long time ago.  Fortunately, kind folks taught me how to copy links when I first started on Ask.

I always felt bad, if I could only give a few words, and send someone searching for what I meant.  It was a strain on their time.

Even though links don't work in messages, I still give the URL.  That way the person can copy and paste it in the search bar.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

Sounds useful. I tend to wait till I can reach my laptop if I want to do that. I'll look 'em up Thanks.

SuperFly Original Profile

So you are able to copy the video link? Couldn't you click the address bar and copy it or just click "Share" and copy that youtube link address?

Im probably missing something here as Ive not been on a mobile in a while, and never even been on an android. Besides a Acer tablet but I sold it due to a software/system problem it had.

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SuperFly Original
Oh, I completely understand. I always provide a link if I ask. thanks.
SuperFly Original
And when I share youtube videos I always get the exact youtube link by clicking "Share" and copying the direct link.
HappyTo BeHereTo
HappyTo BeHereTo commented
Cool !

You're always clear. I'm techno challenged, so that's saying something!!!!

Putting the video up directly from a mobile device takes an extra step, but it's not that tricky at all. Heck, I can do it!

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