
What is Instagram?


2 Answers

Tim Cook Profile
Tim Cook answered

Instagram is an online platform designed for users to post images and films. It is known for allowing users to choose filters by which they can customize their pictures, for example making them look like Kodak Instamatic and Polaroid pictures from the 1960s or 1970s. 

The results can then be shared with account followers.

Instagram launched in 2010 and has over a hundred million users, exchanging ans sharing photos and videos. The company was bought by Facebook in 2012.

Let The World See Your View of the World

Instagram users can disseminate their work through other social networks, as photos can be posted to a user's account with Facebook, or Tumblr, for example. Films can also be shared; the optimum length of an Instagram film is 9 seconds. If an iPhone is your camera, then Instagram is your photo album and your exhibition gallery. 

To find out more, watch this Instagram tutorial:

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Instagram is an online platform designed for users to post images and films. It can customize their pictures. Instagram users can disseminate their work through Facebook, Twitter or other social networks. Instagram generates a real-time slideshow with pictures taken at every event.It will fit perfectly in weddings,concerts,conferences,birthdays or any other event. 

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