Is Internet Dating Really That Dangerous? If So What Are Some Rules On How To Stay Safe?


7 Answers

Carrie Redman Profile
Carrie Redman answered
I have dated a few guys that I met off the Internet. As a matter of fact, the guy that is how I met the guy I am seeing now. We have been together for three years and have a little girl. We are going to get married soon. Anyway, back to the question at hand. Yes I believe that it is safe if you are smart about it. Don't give out any information that you don't want anyone to know. After all you don't know them yet. If you want to meet each other, you should definitely meet in a public place and maybe take a friend along. I took them to my step dads house (he was a sherrif) so he could meet him and tell me what he thought. He is good judge of character. He can tell by just meeting them once. If they didn't pass the test, I didn't go out with them. That is my advice. It worked for me. :-)
Kim Profile
Kim answered
If you're smart and honest, it can actually work out just fine. I met my hubby through on-line personals and we've been happily married for over 5 years! We dated on & off for 2 1/2 years before getting married. Just take your time and trust your instincts (and your friends).
Desiree Dimech Profile
Desiree Dimech answered
To make it more safe (in addition to the last answer) both get cameras, to see each other live.
Fred Jones Profile
Fred Jones answered
There are so many things that make it dangerous and most is due to the unknown. I had a Internet relationship and it turned out to be great. We IMed all the time and shared all kinds of information but nothing too personal. After a few months, we began speaking on the phone for hours on end. Then after about 4 more months, we met. It all turned out great and we dated for about 2 years until I began to find out some of the things she said were lies.

I look back and see all of the vulnerable things I opened up. She could have used many of the things I told her as tools against me. I could have been robbed easily. There were so many things but I was very lucky. I regret that I was not able to see through some of the things any faster but that is a problem of a long distance/Internet relationship.

How to keep safe, that is a difficult one. 1)don't use your real name 2)don't give out to personal of information 3)wait to share any pics until you feel comfortable 4)if you do meet, make it in a very public place so things don't get out of hand I am sure there are many more
thanked the writer.
tim kelly
tim kelly commented
The thing is though, some of the things that fdjones stated could happen in any kind of relationship. You could have been lied to with anyone. So that doesn't just remain exclusive to internet relationships.
You really just have to be careful in general.
Martin Garret Profile
Martin Garret answered

The best tip that I can get to you is to start using only verified options. For example, you can read the review about one of the best dating websites in my opinion. It's called iam naughty by the way. Just read the article and I'm sure that you will like it eventually. Good luck.

Brian Griffin Profile
Brian Griffin answered

Good question. Internet dating can be a fantastic way to meet new people and potentially find love, but it's important to prioritize safety. While there are risks, following a few simple rules can help ensure a safe online dating experience. Firstly, trust your instincts and be cautious when sharing personal information. Use reputable platforms like SofiaDate that prioritize user safety, click for more info. Take the time to get to know your potential partners before meeting in person and always meet in a public place. SofiaDate offers safety features and verification processes to help protect its users.

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