The iPod nanos which have the watch bands are actually quite appealing as they're a watch, but you can also plug in headphones and listen to music.. Especially great for working out, and when you're running around.
This technology can, and could be very convenient for a select group of people, plus all the hipsters will have one.
I think phone watches are just a gimmick, and highly doubt they'll take off.
They combine two things: A time-keeper, and a phone. All phones have clocks on them, and most have stop-watches, alarms, and timers as well. These are all great features, but the phone part is still the most important.
I don't even wear a watch anymore—the battery died on my old one, and since I've always got my phone on me anyway, I never saw the need to replace it.
Lots of people are used to the panic that comes with realising you've left your phone at home. I don't know of anybody who panics like that when they forget their watch!
All you're really getting with a phone-watch is a phone with limited functionality and a watch that's large, cumbersome and isn't simple enough to be a good watch. I just don't see there being a market for something like this.
Besides, in order to actually text properly, you'd have to hold your arm out in front of you, and I'm sure that'd start to ache after a while.
There was talk of watches that could text about ten years ago—I remember people talking about them at school because there was a ban on using your mobile in class—but it obviously never took off. I don't see how it'll be any different this time!
As much as I love gadgets I'm also a classic watch lover and the options of smart watches that I've been seeing, they all lack style, elegance and for what I'm reading here, functionality.
Watches are developing very cool features lately, creating new concepts like the Citizen Eco-Drive technology or the majestic Urwerks just to name a few. Any smart watch will look like a kid's toy compared to the real ones!
What I don't see clearly is what group of people will be the real target? Sometimes it's difficult to know. In my case I like mobiles and watches but I wouldn't buy a phone-watch.
No. Believe it or not but watches are still more popular than phones. What are people going to buy for their loved one's birthdays? A watch is the first thing I think off when it's a guys birthday (either that or I'm just too stereotypical here!) . But I know a lot of people with watch collections, and I love my watches too!
A watch phone is a pointless creation, its not going to change anything, it will just make these Tech guru's moan in their sleep about having to review yet another failed invention to make this world smarter. Watches should remain as they are and so should phones. Look at all the things we are trying to do with our phones, iPads and iPad mini's seriously what's happening here? We will bore out this world, that's what! People will get so sick of it...
The most funny thing is that they think it's 'cool' well it's not. Wearing your phone on your wrist is rather a silly idea... It will just be headache and may be popular for like 15 minutes before someone gets sick of it and there you go!