What Is The Email Address For The Dr Oz Show?


1 Answers

Jason Dowdell Profile
Jason Dowdell answered
There is no email address for contacting the show, instead they provide a form you must submit in order to reach out to someone at the show. You can find the form here www.doctoroz.com  However, if you're adventurous and want to get a response quickly, you can email their attorneys at [email protected]. Zoco appears to be the parent shell company of Dr. Oz, however if you look up the ownership information on the zoco.com domain (because www.zoco.com does not serve up an active site - how sneaky of them) then you'll see that Zoco 1, LLC is actually administered by Harpo Inc. That should sound familiar as that's Oprah Winfrey's company.

In short, Dr. Oz is owned by Oprah. In geek speek we'd say Dr. Oz is prwned by Oprah. So if you really want to get to someone at the Dr. Oz show, I'd go all the way up the chain and contact the staff at Harpo. [email protected] would be a good start. Or you can contact Oprah's publicist (might be her former publicist)...
Lisa Halliday
Harpo Productions
Harpo Studios
110 North Carpenter Street
Chicago, IL 60607-2146
Phone: 310-278-5559

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