What Are The Basic Elements Of Information System?


2 Answers

Meg Hayes Profile
Meg Hayes answered
There are six elements of an information system. These are: Software, hardware, procedures, people, data and communication.

Below is more information about each of these elements.

• Software.

Software is sometimes called the backbone of hardware, because without it the hardware would not have much use. The software gives instructions to the hardware to tell it how to function. It also works by gathering, organizing and manipulating data and then carrying out instructions. When you use a computer, everything you do is done by the software inside.

• Hardware.

This is most obvious part of any information system. Hardware is the computer itself including any routers, monitors, servers, storage devices and printers.

• Procedures.

It is often said by computer experts that the procedure element is the same to the people element, what software is to hardware. The procedures element does what it says on the tin, it provides the people with rules, instructions and descriptions for example, a user manual outlining how to use software, hardware or data.

• People.

The people who design and operate the software and hardware are probably the most important part of any information system. People determine whether or not an information system is going to succeed or fail.

• Data.

Data is sometimes said to be the core part of any information system. As mentioned before, hardware cannot work without software, well software cannot work with the data. Data puts the information into an information system, no matter what type of information that is.

• Communication.

This element is sometimes left out, but if an information system needs multiple pieces of hardware then communication is urgently required. With this, computers are allowed to communication with other pieces of hardware. Communication also exists between the people who make the hardware, software etc. Which makes it even more important.

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