How To Break Administrator Password?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
>click on start
>click run
>enter cmd
>write "net user"
>press enter
>then write "net user administrator ******  "
>then press enter
Rinav Gangar Profile
Rinav Gangar answered
Well which OS do you use?

Is it Linux or Windows?
Is it server OS or Client OS

The Answer depends on the type of OS you use!

In case of Windows...
There are some third party tools available, Bootable disks that help to recover Admin Password.
I have not tried such tools yet. As I don't trust them.  

Hope It Helps

mash hara Profile
mash hara answered
You can DIY a password reset disk to break your admin passord easily!

A. Download Windows Password Recovery Corporation and burn its .iso image file into a CD/DVD/USB Flash Drive from an accessible laptop;

B. Set PC with password locked to boot from burned CD/DVD/USB Flash Drive;

C. Reset forgotten laptop Windows password to a new one with the burned CD/DVD/USB Flash Drive.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Try this...

click  on Start - Run, then type CMD on run box...
when command prompt open type net user then press enter... It will show you all user account name...
then type "adminitrator account name" space "*"

example :    Administrator *
  HP_Administrator *

then press enter twice

hope this can help...

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Log in to other account...
click  on Start - Run, then type CMD on run box...
when command prompt open type net user then press enter... It will show you all user account name...
then type net user "adminitrator account name" space "*"

example : Net user  Administrator *
  net user  HP_Administrator *

then press enter twice

hope this can help...

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