Firstly, it is a good idea to define exactly what RAM and ROM are. RAM is short for random access memory whereas ROM means read-only memory. These are both very important in the computing world and they share similarities and differences.
RAM has a lot more flexibility then ROM due to its random structure. Data can be accessed from any part of the memory and also more than one piece of data can be accessed simultaneously. ROM does not allow this flexibility and is mainly used for firmware chip devices. Since it is read-only, ROM is a very safe means of storage due since it is protected from any alteration.
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ROM - read only memory, is used to store the information that will never be changed/ cannot be changed by the user, such as instructions to make the computer properly boot (start up). This does not get erased when the computer's power is lost.
RAM is random access memory, which contains the information that the computer is using at that moment. This will get erased if the computer's power goes off. For example, the text you type in a word document will be stored in RAM, until you close the file. Then it will be stored in the hard drive.
RAM (random access memory) is where programs that are being used currently by the processor to run the program are held. This clears when you lose power or shut down the computer.
ROM (read only memory) is where all programs on your computer are stored till needed. This is the hard drive; items stay stored here until you remove them. So when explaining the basics of how this works, use this simple example.
Think of the hard drive (ROM) as a file cabinet. It contains all the programs your computer needs to operate. The (RAM) can be described as a desktop. The processor is the worker. So when you open a program, you want to work on .It moves from the filing cabinet, to the desk .This is where all the work is organized and used buy the “worker”. When work on that program is done and you close the program, it’s placed back, into the file cabinet. The same happens when you shut down the system.
ROM, is to store the information that cannot easily be changed or interfered with by the user. The best example here is the information used for the start of the computer. RAM, stored information that can easily be erased when power goes off. The information can be easily be interfered with with another party.
RAM - stands for Random Access Memory - there are two type Volatile and Nonvolatile - (There are several types of RAM in use today - but all are either volatile or nonvolatile) - volatile means - that when the power is turned off the memory looses the information stored on it - a good example is the type of memory in your computer - DIMM, SIMM, RamBus, ect all forget when you turn the computer off. Nonvolatile memory will store information even when the it has no power applied to it - a good example would be USB flash drives, CF cards, SD cards, and various removable type memory commonly used in cameras, and mp3 players
I know this is a older one but I could not resist giving an easy definition of ROM. Because at the end of the day, nobody likes "Techkie Talk"!! When you are talking about Hard Drives, Operating Systems and stuff like that, talk to me like I'm a 2 year old!!!! Lol.
Here is a really good video that explains ROM
I hope you enjoy and when you want Easy to learn definitions of hard terms and words, go to my website listed above.
Another example of ROM is EEPROM, which is a programmable ROM used for the computer BIOS, as shown in the picture below. Note: Unlike Random Access Memory (RAM), ROM is non-volatile, which means it keeps its contents regardless of whether or not it has power.