Both a Microprocessor and a Microcontroller have their own jobs to do which are paramount in the make up of a computer system. Therefore, both micros are needed, which is why it could may be difficult trying to muster up a list of pros and cons.
When looking at advantages and disadvantages of a Microprocessor and a Microcontroller, you could go by the architecture of both of the devices. As Microcontrollers do a lot more work as they are in themselves, a computer, a Microcontroller is made up of a much more complex make-up and would very likely take a lot more time to create. It's functionality is also quite difficult to create.
However, Microprocessors require a lot of external controllers in order for it to work to its full capacity, whereas Microcontrollers house all of its controllers inside, depending on fewer external systems or controllers.
- A Miroprocessor:
- A Microcontroller:
When looking at advantages and disadvantages of a Microprocessor and a Microcontroller, you could go by the architecture of both of the devices. As Microcontrollers do a lot more work as they are in themselves, a computer, a Microcontroller is made up of a much more complex make-up and would very likely take a lot more time to create. It's functionality is also quite difficult to create.
However, Microprocessors require a lot of external controllers in order for it to work to its full capacity, whereas Microcontrollers house all of its controllers inside, depending on fewer external systems or controllers.