Who Created Fantage.com?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm a member I'm labreu xD I feel bad for nons though ..iits my 2nd time being a member .. What I did was I went to walgreens n they sell these cards called ultimate game cards .. They cost 10$ nd 20$ then tht card makes you a member its as easy as tht . N you don't need a credit card
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
All I want is to be a member on fantage for once my mom doesnt have enough money to make me one so I pray one day tht I can become on they are awesome and hey get everyting thats the only thing I hate y can't we all get coll stuff
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm a member but its not fair for all people though that they don't have a member so can you just make something new in fantage like you make one and then its a shop so people just go to that shop in fantage to buy the membership.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Lisa1239 I think you have a point there and I think that you right and what is your name on fantage.com?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You could just get 5000 points then log off and on 5 times then go to the person that selles homes and click on her and there you're a member
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Guest I think your not right at ALL I'm not a member my parrents can't afford it and I live in a different country ( morocco ) so theirs no way to get a freaking ultimate game card goddd! !!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

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