Unfortunately, we are not entirely sure what this question may be asking. If you mean what type of site Millsberry.com is, it is a children's site with games, wallpaper downloads, and an instant messenger. If you mean what other sites there are such as Millsberry.com we can also provide an answer.
- TV based sites
- Non mainstream sites
Just about any company can start a website for kids such as kidsites.com This website is still an educational center with games, animals, art, history and much more. It has a girls' and boys' area. Another site includes funbrain.com that teaches math, grammar, science, spelling, history and much more.
Sites such as Facebook are also available for kids. Parents do need to give permission for any website they allow their children on. Facebook and sites such as Millsberry.com offer plenty of online activities in game mode. One can also search for game sites in order to find something that may be less educational oriented.
For example, beinggirl.com or stayteen.org are two sites that allow kids to play games that are not based exclusively on learning. They are meant to be fun and entertaining.
Stay Teen, for example, allows one to build avatars and test relationships. There are also plenty of virtual world options such as jumpstart.com that has 3-D avatars for kids that are 3 to 10 years old. All of these sites are free to access; as long as the parent provides permission when signing up.
For example, beinggirl.com or stayteen.org are two sites that allow kids to play games that are not based exclusively on learning. They are meant to be fun and entertaining.
Stay Teen, for example, allows one to build avatars and test relationships. There are also plenty of virtual world options such as jumpstart.com that has 3-D avatars for kids that are 3 to 10 years old. All of these sites are free to access; as long as the parent provides permission when signing up.