
How Can I Get A Free Zcard On Zwinky No Password Needed?


19 Answers

rgftvQVC RGFcvsv Profile  I got mines in 20 min I love her I have zcard in all my zcard :D and I got 97,487 you have to give the pass and username and the amount but it works
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I need zcard please.I would like to have atleast 1,000.thanks!
And my username is aj8122.password 12345kyle
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Easy first thing is you Earn a Zcard and the zcard will come I have like a lot of zcard like 8 991 zcard :) and snoop dogs :) so add me on zwinky I'm -_-sadness-_-
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You have to click earn z card then choose an offer always choose free then it should come up like 1-2 days or minutes or an hour then wait that time it should come then it worked for me I got like 8,923 z card soz add me I'm i_am_bella123!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There is one website but I can't tell you yet because I need to test it first I don't want you all to get hacked
Caitlyn Beiggs Profile
Caitlyn Beiggs answered
You cannot get a free zcard on Zwinky. No matter what you do, you will never get a free zcard. If someone asks you "Hey do you want a zcard? I won't hack I swear and I promise." Say no. It will be a hack and they will hack your account. The only safest, and the only real way to get a zcard is if you purchase it with your own credit card.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
if someone says like hey want zcard promise wont hack then take an account you dont use and say that you want it on that one. its a great way to test if they hack.
Caitlyn Beiggs Profile
Caitlyn Beiggs answered
The only way you can get a free zcard without buying, or someone else buying it for you is to do some offers. Go to the Homepage and where it says Zcard + click the + and then click the second choice. Offer-pal Media. In this performance, you will have to do a few surveys to earn a certain amount of zcard. You can choose what type of Surveys you'd like to do.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well... I was on this website very long ago.. I put in my pass and stuff and got a free one 80 days l8r any1 remember the site?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oh my god you guys r all fags you have to go on to zwinky and someone to buy you what you want
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you want a free zcard go to  send the email and wait a couple hours simple!
legna hernandez Profile
legna hernandez answered  here I got mines I was so happy it work I  got 8000 oh and I added here in zwinky she eli961961 and I did get mines I love it oh you can also tell her how much you want
denisa dan Profile
denisa dan answered
Before there  was a zwinky manager :caseywhen she was alive you would get 100 zcard when you made an accountnow there is another one I don't know his name,he is really tough there is no other way to get a  free zcard the way to get one is to buy one about $15.00
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I want a zcard so much but beacause I live in london I can not get one coz dey don't sell dem in london... I have had a zwinky for 3 yearsz now and still do not have a zcard I have tried signing up 2 dah sitesz and I have not reached up to a certen point 2 get a zcard !!!! Plsz help me!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Go to annd www, and earn points
or buy zc-ard gift card at target ot kmart or maybe earn them buy pressing the earn button on your zwinky desktop or profile
there no cheats to get it!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Theres websites where you can earn it and you can earn zcard on zwinky. Do the free ones and email subscripions and all tht. Thts how I got my 300 zcard and do a few everyday and get at least 200-300 a day. If you want this you can do
I don't like it. You can get a clubpenguin membership there too. Hope I helped =)
carlie wilson Profile
carlie wilson answered
Well, I no how to but I can't tell you!!!
Ha ha ha!!! I hav one, because I'm clever, just go to a certen website, ill give you a hint it ends in .tk instead of .com

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