How To Get Infinite Money On Aqworlds?


12 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Theres no way but go to undead portal world and do fire gem earn 12.500gp per 3 minutes or 500k per hour
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well There Are Several Diffrent Weys My Favorite Is To Go To Shadowfall And Get The Servant Quest And Rattle Bones Quest Then Go To The Rattle Bones Map and Ask The Floating Skull For A Quest (I Forget The Quests Names So Youll Have To Find Out What Ime Talking About Well Like I Was Seying) Get The Same Quest Thats Like The Servant Quest And The Rock Element Quest Get Those Three Quests Done Then Go To Newbie And Do The Rattle Bones Quest Once Done Go To The Main Room (The Room Where You Usualy Go When Logging In) And Sell Eny Items You Mey Have Gotin And Go Back To The People That Gave You The Quests And Turn Them In Then Do It All Over Again And Again And Again And Again Until You can't Do it Enymore Please Rate Thumbs Up If This Helped You.
Kyle Nguyen Nguyen Kyle Profile
No... Theres no way to get infinite coins unless you do quests that give you the most coins and keep repeating it over and over again. (I wouldn't do that if I were you)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When you log on turn right where the arrow is n let it load fight them they drop 39 g but in 30min you can get 1k and theres people there so you can kill easy.Theres no way to get fast money it takes time don't rush youll get it soon your item soon.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Goto boxes and kill grizzlespit his wepon almost always drops and you can sell for 7.5k
hope I helped (not really)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't think theres any way...
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Theres one way to get 500k hour just do fire gem quest get 12.500gp in 3mins pls reply jeff hardy try this method its awsome another way is go to crash site and do the first 3 quest at same time and kill bubble dwakel pls try this method it works comment me well thats it cya xD
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Both xp and money this little cheat can do. First go in the pokemon center then copy the adress bar paste it then go on a hard gym leader beat the first pokemon then go on the other tab. Click heal then go on the gym battle press refresh then you will see the starting pokemon kill it do the same but don't worry your xp and money stays with you

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